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Need help with my dragon deck


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Im not too good with deck building, and had an ancient Dragons roar deck, and wanted to improve it, past what I already had done, so any help would be appreciated:



Krebons x1

Armed dragon lvl 3 x2

Armed dragon lvl 5 x2

Red eyes black chick x2

Red eyes black dragon x1

Red eyes darkness dragon x1

Buster blader x1

Dark magician x1

Masked dragon x3

Luster dragon x2



The graveyard in the forth dimension x1

Stamping destruction x3

Nobleman of crossout x2

Snatch steal x1

Reload x2

Different dimension capsule x1

Monster reborn x1

Heavy storm x1

Future fusion x1

Mtstical space typhoon x1



Curse of anubis x1

Reckless greed x1

The dragons bead x1

Ceasefire x1

Dragons rage x1

Trap jammer x1

Interdimentional matter transporter x2

Call of the haunted x1


Extra deck

Dark paladin x1

Red Dragon Archfiend x1


Thanks (are any of them on the banlist?, I dont think they are though)

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