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I have permission from two people on DeviantArt. I have a question and a comment and a sort of both.

1) How do I prove I have permission?

2) GENZOMAN said to use his pics he wants a link to his gallery and MrDream told me to credit him. It seems that some artists on DA are fine with what we have been doing.

3) WHen I looked at this pic it said it was protected by copyright. All the other pics I have seen haven't said that. Why?

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You need to have written permission. Example:


Hi, this card is blah blah blah and blah


*post card here*


Here is the written permission: blah member has been permitted to use this image by boobaalablah i return for giving credit.




Like that. That is how you prove. And dont try to fake permission as mods always find out and then... *draws finger across throat*

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no' date=' leave comment on the pic asking if you could use it, when the artist reply's copy the link to the picture.


That is all.


Problem. GENZOMAN and MrDream have already sent me messages. Now what?

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