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Monsters: 18


1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Necroface

3x D.D. Scout Plane

3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Needle Worm

1x Morphing Jar

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Marshmallon


Spells: 17


3x Dimensional Fissure

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Solar Recharge

3x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

3x Book of Taiyou

2x Book of Moon


Traps: 10


1x Crush Card Virus

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Macro Cosmos

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Threatening Roar


What I did here was sort of use the self-milling abilities of Lightsworn to abuse Necroface. Needle Worm is additional Mill. The Roars make Scout Plane not so much Gladiator Beast bait. Basically this is a Macro-Stall-Deckout Deck. Taiyou and Moon can be used with Needle Worm for big mill and with Ryko for removal. Ryko and Lyla are also for dealing with Imperial Iron Wall. D.D.R. is needed at 3 so Necroface can get more use.


Win condition: Deck the opponent out as quickly as possible.


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How does this run? It looks like a lot of fun. ^_^


Not sure. I just came up with it on the spot. I dont have much time to test it at the moment so Im really not sure how it would run to be honest.


You could also add in Paralyzing Chain from Crossroads to add a little burn.


I dont know about that. It would depend on how fast I am able to mill the opponent. If it is able to mill fast on a consistent basis, it may be worth adding. If not, it will just end up slowing me down.

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