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Awesome Pokemon cards CHECK IT OUT!


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[align=center]Hello everybody! It's been a long time since I looked around here...and I'm back! I just got 5000 posts and want to celebrate! So, lets party! *opens bottles of champagne*


Before we party, I just wanted to go over the past few months and see my contest winning cards that has stayed with me over the months. So...here they are:


Gardevoir, The Emotional:


Card Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing one 'Kirlia' on your side of the field. Once per turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand. Choose 1 card and depending of the type of card, do the following effect:

-Monster: Remove that card from play.

-Spell: Inflict 500 Life Points to your opponent.

-Trap: Increase your Life Points by 300.

Picture Credit: I seriously forgot....sorry

Contests Won:

1st place in Recolomato's Pokemon Card Contest

2nd place in 2nd Club Pikachu Contest Members Only

2nd place in 2nd Pokemon Legacies Contest

Comments: This card was supposed to be for J-Max's audition, but I cancelled it. Overall, this card along with 'Confusion' is what I call 'The Elegant Duo' XD.




Card Effect: This card can only be activated when one 'Gardevoir, The Emotional' is attacking one fo your opponent's monsters. When this card is activated, all Warrior and Beast-Warrior Type monsters on your opponent's side of the field must flip a coin during their next Battle Phase. If they flip tails, the attacking monster is then destroyed. When your opponent's next Battle Phase is over, destroy this card.

Picture Credit: Gardevoir

Contests Won:

2nd place in 2nd Club Pikachu Contest Members Only

2nd place in Pokemon Legacies Contest

Comments: Based on the pokemon move 'Confusion' and the use on Fighting type pokemon.




Card Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by discarding 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to your Graveyard. Once per turn, you may pay 400 Life Points. If you do, you may Special Summon 1 card with the name 'Pikachu' from your hand or Graveyard. When the card is Special Summoned successfully, increase this card's ATK by 100. When your opponent attacks the Special Summoned card, you may negate the effect and decrease this card's DEF by 400 instead. When this card is sent to the Graveyard or out of play, flip a coin. If heads, increase the Special Summoned card's ATK by 300. If tails, destroy that card.

Picture Credit: Pikachu

Contests Won:

1st place in Drick's Nintendo Card Contest

1st place in ~Rebelious Rage~'s Pokemon Contest

1st place in ~Rebelious Rage~'s Pokemon Contest of Tme

Comments: If you wonder why I won first place so many times it's because Pikachu the win. Yes, it's the win XD.




Card Effect: When this card is Summoned, increase your Life Points by 300. When this card is attacked, flip a coin. If heads, decrease the attacking monster's ATK by 400 until your next Standby Phase.

Picture Credit: Kirby

Contests Won: 1st place in Drick's Nintendo Card Contest

Every set always needs a simple card. This, is the simple card, which took me 3 minutes to make an effect and 1 hour to find a picture. As Supreme Gamesmaster stated in another thread, this card is quite possibly my worst.


Kirby - Pikachu Form:


Card Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 'Pikachu' and 'Kirby' on your side of the field. When this card attacks, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points. When this card is destroyed, you may Special Summon one 'Pikachu' or 'Kirby' from your hand or Graveyard.

Picture Credit: http://timonhakunamatata.deviantart.com/art/Kirby-Thunderbolt-83200195

Contests Won: 1st place in Drick's Nintendo Card Contest

Comments: This card is very good, winning Drick's competition. Although it's a good card, I've never used it again.




Card Effect:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 'Dratini' on your side of the field. When this card attacks, choose an Attribute. This monster will chnage into that Attribute until your End Phase. If this monster is a target for your opponent's Spell or Trap card, negate the effect.

Picture Credit: Espeon

Contests Won: 3rd place in Espeonature's Pokemon Contest

Comments: Took a long time for the effect, I made the effect to change the weather (which Dragonair can).




Card Effect:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 'Eevee' on your side of the field. When this card attacks, select one of your opponent's monsters. If that monster is a Warrior or Beast-Warrior type monster, that monster cannot attack this card next turn. If it is another type of monster, decrease it's ATK by 300 until the end of your opponent's next end phase.

Picture Credit: http://mooncookie.deviantart.com/art/Dragonair-38875363

Contests Won: 3rd place in Espeonature's Pokemon Contest

Comments: The final card for my collection. Yet again, Psychich type owns Fighting, so this card's effect is based completly on it.


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very good cards Pikachu™ , i've seen them before(some of them) and they still are some of the best poke cards around here maybe even better than mine O.o" lolz.....anyway

Rating : 9/10

P.S. Congrats on Becoming a 6 Star, here is a Pikachu shaped cake for you ^_^ *gives pikachu shaped cake to Pikachu™*


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*Huggles Pikachu* Hey it's Great to see you at 6 Stars now! One day me and you are going to have a 1 on 1 with Pokemon cards, I promise you. The power of PKEV versus your Fantastic cards, YCM will Implode with a battle like that! Anyways congrats again and enjoy the Party.

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