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Deck for Shonen Jump Championship Chicago

EHERO Andrew

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I think I should let you know that this deck beat a Zombie Synchro (including Pleaguespreader). 3 (game) times in a row!!!


Extra: 15

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Colossal Fighter

2 Red Dragon Archfiend

3 Goyo Guardian

3 Magical Android

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Monsters: 20

3 Destiny Hero-Malicious

3 Destiny Hero-Dasher

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

2 Psychic Commander

3 Krebons

3 Maurading Captain

1 Legendary Jujitsu Master

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 13

3 Destiny Draw

3 Emergency Teleport

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm


3 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Brain Control


Traps: 7

3 Dust Tornado

1 Mirror Force

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

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This deck looks suspiciously like a Tele-DAD deck that has had the boss monster replaced with Dashers and all the good splashables replaced with mediocre splashables.


I love the spell/trap paranoia here, especially in a format where Breaker's existence ensures that people are less likely to run Continuous Spells and Traps than ever. Speaking of which, I love how you're running Twisters over MST and Breaker.

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Then how will I stop all the Solemns and Royal Oppressions? MST and Breaker cant stop them all. I need a deck that will guarentee to stop everything my opponent throws at me.


Oh, and on the first post, you disappointed me. I actually thought you were praising me... But no... You just slap me in the face, as you always do *cries in the cormer*

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MST and Breaker can't stop any of them, since for some reason you have chosen to not use them at all and to use cards like Twister instead. Considering Twister's blatant inferiority, this isn't exactly the most wise of decisions.


Oppression isn't especially common now, and the Side Deck exists specifically to handle matchups like that. Running such large amounts of s/t removal, especially the Twisters, is just going to lead to dead draws in the vast majority of your matches.

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Then you figure out a way to improve this deck' date=' I would love to hear it,



I just flat-out told you to replace your current large numbers of mediocre spell and trap removal with the staple removal that is actually good, and to keep your anti-Oppression measures in the side deck where they belong. Did you not even read my last three posts?


but instead you give snotty attitudes of how bad of a player I am. Why are you always picking on me?


I don't pick on you. Open your eyes: I treat everybody this way whenever they are wrong. You just happen to be wrong with remarkable consistency.

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Then you figure out a way to improve this deck' date=' I would love to hear it,



I just flat-out told you to replace your current large numbers of mediocre spell and trap removal with the staple removal that is actually good, and to keep your anti-Oppression measures in the side deck where they belong. Did you not even read my last three posts?


Well, he got you there.

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Andrew quit complaining.



Quit running Twister in main deck.


Quit fearing Royal Oppressions, shouldn't you of all people, know they really aren't that amazing this meta. I mean come on, you only used Little City for over a year.


Quit running Dust Tornado in main deck.




Also, the whole deal with 3 teleports / 3 targets. Has JoC taught you nothing?

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how will I stop all the Solemns and Royal Oppressions? MST and Breaker cant stop them all. I need a deck that will guarentee to stop everything my opponent throws at me.


you know not every one uses Solemns and Oppressions in fact breaker and mst can take care of most of the s+t remover

also if you are that scared of s and 0's then this add a f***ing heavy storm

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how will I stop all the Solemns and Royal Oppressions? MST and Breaker cant stop them all. I need a deck that will guarentee to stop everything my opponent throws at me.


you know not every one uses Solemns and Oppressions in fact breaker and mst can take care of most of the s+t remover

also if you are that scared of s and 0's then this add a f***ing heavy storm


Way ahead of ya^ *go look at the funking list*

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Here's one, why do these players with LESS THAN 2500 POINTS try to act like they know what they're talking about? If you did, I think you'd win more than .3 over a THIRD of your matches.


Why don't we take a NEW plan into consideration; Don't act like you're a bad-ass when you're the bottom of the barrel.


Let's fix this half-pile of crap you have going with expensive cards in it. You're about 60% there.


Extra: 15

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Colossal Fighter

2 Red Dragon Archfiend

3 Goyo Guardian

3 Magical Android

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Monsters: 20

3 Destiny Hero-Malicious

3 Destiny Hero-Dasher <- No. Not at all.

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

2 Psychic Commander <- What? Knock it off. It's not funny anymore.

3 Krebons

3 Maurading Captain <- Just stop it. You're hurting my soul.

1 Legendary Jujitsu Master <- I laughed out loud' date=' legitimately. Not even a little.

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Spirit Reaper <- Not a chance.


Spells: 13

3 Destiny Draw

3 Emergency Teleport

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm


3 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Brain Control


Traps: 7

3 Dust Tornado <- Not a chance.

1 Mirror Force <- Probably not.

3 Bottomless Trap Hole <- Not a chance.



Here's what we change your list to, to get around the suckatude.


Extra: 15

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Colossal Fighter

2 Red Dragon Archfiend

3 Goyo Guardian

3 Magical Android

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus


Monsters: 20

2x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Destiny Hero - Malicious

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Dark Grepher

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

1x Necroface

1x Sangan

3x Krebons

3x Necro Gardna

1x Destiny Hero - Doom Lord


Spells: 15

3x Allure of Darkness

1x Brain Control

3x Destiny Draw

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Reinforcement of the Army


Traps - 5

1x Crush Card Virus/Mirror Force

1x Mind Crush

3x Solemn Judgment


If you need something explained, like I'm assuming is the case, feel free to ask.


And if you don't have the cards? Then don't enter a Shonen Jump; You won't win. Get the cards, or get back to locals.

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