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Thunder Recharge [DMU]


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Before I even begin to post this deck I would like to say, that it has been highly successful on DMU, and has been modified to include Synchros, as I built it without them in mind, there for it is probably in need of a fix


Batteryman AA X3

Batteryman Charger X3

Batteryman Micro-Cell X3

Chaos-End MasterX3

Sanga of the Thunder X3

The Creator X3

The Creator Incarnate X3



Battery Charger X3

Card of Safe Return X2

Heavy Storm

Inferno Reckless Summon X3

Lightning Vortex

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Trade In X2

Short Circuit X 1


Dimensional Prison X3

Judgement of Thunder X2

Mirror Force

Portable Battery Pack X3

Solemn X2




Extra Deck

Goyo Guardian X3

Stardust Dragon X3

Thought Ruler X3

Red Archfiend X3

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nice man



What scares me most is that this poster probably doesn't know what more then half of the cards in this deck do.


@ DX: Batteryman Industrial Strength?


as it so happens, killer does know, he helped me build the deck, he is a good friend of mine, and frankly, ive allready personaly asked him to comment on a more relevent level since he posted this, he happens to be a close friend, so please, just leave this one be


as for industrial strengh, I feel I have enough power, I'll test it though

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