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S.D. Cyber Morpher

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 1200

Def: 1400

You can substitute this card for any 1 "S.D." Fusion Material Monster, or 1 "S.D." Tribute. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play.

(ART: A dark-silver, metal sphere-like object floats in the center of a dark, starry area. The sphere has black-striped lines moving through all of it, and a single, circular hatch at the top. The dark, metal head of a dragon is coming out of the hatch, and dark, yellow eyes are on it. Six metal tentacles are sticking out of various spots in the sphere-like body.)



S.D. Cyber Radar Spider

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 1000

Def: 2400

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing a face-up "S.D. Cyber Dragon" on your side of the field. Once per turn, you can look at 1 Set card on the field. This card can attack while in Defense Position, and can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If it attacks using this effect, the Battle Damage it inflicts to your opponent is halved.

(ART: Eight long, dark-metal legs are attached to a large, horizontally shaped dark-metal oval body. On the top of the body is a very long-necked metal, dragon-like head, with dark-yellow eyes. On top of the head is a dark-colored sensor array, and two pointed laser-like attachments were on the sides of the head. The sensor array is shooting out a green beam to reveal a Magician of Faith hiding under a face-down card.)



Blind Trick

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

Activate when your opponent declares an attack. Select 1 Monster Card that is placed under "The Shadow Dimension" randomly and reveal it. If it can be Special Summoned, place the attack-target monster under "The Shadow Dimension" and Special Summon the revealed monster to your side of the field, regardless of summoning requirements. Your opponent's monster then battles with the Special Summoned monster.

(ART: A Mystic Swordsman LV6 attempts to strike down an S.D. Proto-Cyber Dragon in the middle of the Shadow Dimension, but the Proto-Cyber seems to be vanishing. Behind the Mystic Swordsman LV6, an S.D. Triplex Cyber begins to materialize, charging its toxic energy attack.)




Dark Metalizer

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up "S.D." monster. The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 500 points. When battling with a monster equipped with this card, you can further increase its ATK by an amount equal to half the original ATK of your target. If you do, destroy the equipped monster on the End Phase.

(ART: In the middle of the Shadow Dimension, an S.D. Twin Cyber seems to be gaining an extra layer of protective, dark-metal coating over it.)



Foggy Haze

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

When an "S.D." monster is destroyed as a result of battle, reduce the original ATK of the monster that destroyed it by 800.

(ART: An S.D. Cyber Dragon exhales a toxic-like haze onto a Gilford the Lightning, who retracts in pain.)



Heir to the Shadows

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Remove, from your Deck from play, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "S.D." Fusion Monster Card, and select that 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. Special Summon the selected Fusion Monster during your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

(ART: Invert the color of a Future Fusion card.)



S.D. Cyber Specter

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Fusion/Effect


Atk: 2600

Def: 1600

The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 2 "S.D." monsters. On a turn this card attacks, other monsters cannot declare an attack. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, put a Shadow Dimension Counter on a face-up card on your field. Remove 4 Shadow Dimension Counters on this card to discard your opponent’s hand.

(ART: A human-shaped Cyber monster, dressed in a dark-metal cape, running all the way around its body lunges forward in the middle of The Shadow Dimension. It has the traditional Cyber head on it, almost cloaked by a dark hood worn over its head. Instead of hands sticking out of its cloak sleeves, there are two dark-metal scythes. It has its mouth wide open and a dark glare with its dark-yellow eyes as it shoots the blade portion of a scythe from its mouth.)



Exchange Beyond the Shadows

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Each time a monster is Normal Summoned, Set, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, put a Shadow Dimension Counter on this card. During your Main Phase 1, you may remove 3 Shadow Dimension Counters to Special Summon 1 "S.D." monster that is under "The Shadow Dimension". You may use this effect once per turn.

(ART: In The Shadow Dimension, three darkened statues rise up from the ground, each having the statue of an S.D. Cyber Dragon on top of them. Three cloaked men bow before the statues, holding up treasure chests full of gold and riches, as offerings. One of the statues of the S.D. Cyber Dragon begins to turn real.)



Shadow Reconstruction

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Select and activate one of the following effects:

• Select 1 "S.D." monster that is removed from play and add it to your hand.

• Select 2 "S.D." monsters that are placed under "The Shadow Dimension" and add them to your hand.

(ART: As a Gilford the Legend walks away, on a dirt path with nothing but void and dark, starry space surrounding it, an S.D. Cyber Dragon begins to piece itself back together, Gilford not realizing it. S.D. Cyber Dragon’s mouth is also preparing its attack.)



Dimensional Mist

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap


On each of your Standby Phases, put 1 Shadow Dimension Counter on this card. Remove any amount of Shadow Dimension Counters from this card to reduce the amount of Battle Damage or Effect Damage you would receive from an attack or card effect by 100 for every Shadow Dimension Counter you remove.

(ART: The eyes of an S.D. monster can be seen glowing through an almost impenetrable screen of black mist.)



S.D. Cyber Gargoyle

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 2500

Def: 2200

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 "S.D. Cyber Dragon"s on your side of the field. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play. When this card attacks, before the battle step, select and activate one of the following effects:

• Destroy the monster with this card's effect, and inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.

• Conduct the battle normally.

(ART: A dark-steel Cyber monster with fat, black, metal wings and long, chicken-like black-metal feet with sharp, metal claws sits on top of a tree deep in the Shadow Dimension. The metal on the creature is all deformed, and the eyes are dark-yellow.)



Shadow Dimension Revival

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Activate only on your Standby Phase. Increase your Life Points by 300 for every "S.D." monster under "The Shadow Dimension". You cannot declare an attack on the turn you activate this card.

(ART: Three S.D. Cyber Dragons float over a Kozaky, who holds his hands into the Shadow Dimension’s sky while laughing crazily, as dark lightning bolts hit him in the hands.)



Dimensional Merger

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

At a cost of 500 Life Points per card, you may use "S.D." monsters that are under "The Shadow Dimension" for a single Fusion Summon, and you may fuse them with “S.D.” monsters on your side of the field. After the Fusion Material Monsters are fused, remove them from the game face-down for the remainder of the duel.

(ART: Three S.D. Cyber Dragons swirl around into a dark ball of negative energy, with the remaining area being the starry space of The Shadow Dimension.)



S.D. Negative Chimera

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: ?

Def: ?

This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except by the effect of “Dimensional Merger”. The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are 5 or more “S.D.” monsters. The original ATK and DEF of this card become the number of Fusion Material Monsters you used for the Fusion Summon of this card x 800 points. This card inflicts Piercing Damage. When this card would be destroyed or removed from your field, reduce its original ATK and DEF by 200 instead.

(ART: A Chimeratech Overdragon picture, except the core body is pure black, and the heads and tail are made out of plasma-like blood. The eyes are dark-yellow, and the starry space of The Shadow Dimension looms in the background.)

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S.D. Cyber Morpher

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 1200

Def: 1400

You can substitute this card for any 1 "S.D." Fusion Material Monster, or 1 "S.D." Tribute. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play.

(ART: A dark-silver, metal sphere-like object floats in the center of a dark, starry area. The sphere has black-striped lines moving through all of it, and a single, circular hatch at the top. The dark, metal head of a dragon is coming out of the hatch, and dark, yellow eyes are on it. Six metal tentacles are sticking out of various spots in the sphere-like body.)



S.D. Cyber Radar Spider

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 1000

Def: 2400

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing a face-up "S.D. Cyber Dragon" on your side of the field. Once per turn, you can look at 1 Set card on the field. This card can attack while in Defense Position, and can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If it attacks using this effect, the Battle Damage it inflicts to your opponent is halved.

(ART: Eight long, dark-metal legs are attached to a large, horizontally shaped dark-metal oval body. On the top of the body is a very long-necked metal, dragon-like head, with dark-yellow eyes. On top of the head is a dark-colored sensor array, and two pointed laser-like attachments were on the sides of the head. The sensor array is shooting out a green beam to reveal a Magician of Faith hiding under a face-down card.)



Blind Trick

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

Activate when your opponent declares an attack. Select 1 Monster Card that is placed under "The Shadow Dimension" randomly and reveal it. If it can be Special Summoned, place the attack-target monster under "The Shadow Dimension" and Special Summon the revealed monster to your side of the field, regardless of summoning requirements. Your opponent's monster then battles with the Special Summoned monster.

(ART: A Mystic Swordsman LV6 attempts to strike down an S.D. Proto-Cyber Dragon in the middle of the Shadow Dimension, but the Proto-Cyber seems to be vanishing. Behind the Mystic Swordsman LV6, an S.D. Triplex Cyber begins to materialize, charging its toxic energy attack.)




Dark Metalizer

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

After activation, this card is used to equip a face-up "S.D." monster. The monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 500 points. When battling with a monster equipped with this card, you can further increase its ATK by an amount equal to half the original ATK of your target. If you do, destroy the equipped monster on the End Phase.

(ART: In the middle of the Shadow Dimension, an S.D. Twin Cyber seems to be gaining an extra layer of protective, dark-metal coating over it.)



Foggy Haze

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap

When an "S.D." monster is destroyed as a result of battle, reduce the original ATK of the monster that destroyed it by 800.

(ART: An S.D. Cyber Dragon exhales a toxic-like haze onto a Gilford the Lightning, who retracts in pain.)



Heir to the Shadows

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Remove, from your Deck from play, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on an "S.D." Fusion Monster Card, and select that 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. Special Summon the selected Fusion Monster during your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy that monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

(ART: Invert the color of a Future Fusion card.)



S.D. Cyber Specter

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Fusion/Effect


Atk: 2600

Def: 1600

The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are any 2 "S.D." monsters. On a turn this card attacks, other monsters cannot declare an attack. When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, put a Shadow Dimension Counter on a face-up card on your field. Remove 4 Shadow Dimension Counters on this card to discard your opponent’s hand.

(ART: A human-shaped Cyber monster, dressed in a dark-metal cape, running all the way around its body lunges forward in the middle of The Shadow Dimension. It has the traditional Cyber head on it, almost cloaked by a dark hood worn over its head. Instead of hands sticking out of its cloak sleeves, there are two dark-metal scythes. It has its mouth wide open and a dark glare with its dark-yellow eyes as it shoots the blade portion of a scythe from its mouth.)



Exchange Beyond the Shadows

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Each time a monster is Normal Summoned, Set, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, put a Shadow Dimension Counter on this card. During your Main Phase 1, you may remove 3 Shadow Dimension Counters to Special Summon 1 "S.D." monster that is under "The Shadow Dimension". You may use this effect once per turn.

(ART: In The Shadow Dimension, three darkened statues rise up from the ground, each having the statue of an S.D. Cyber Dragon on top of them. Three cloaked men bow before the statues, holding up treasure chests full of gold and riches, as offerings. One of the statues of the S.D. Cyber Dragon begins to turn real.)



Shadow Reconstruction

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

Select and activate one of the following effects:

• Select 1 "S.D." monster that is removed from play and add it to your hand.

• Select 2 "S.D." monsters that are placed under "The Shadow Dimension" and add them to your hand.

(ART: As a Gilford the Legend walks away, on a dirt path with nothing but void and dark, starry space surrounding it, an S.D. Cyber Dragon begins to piece itself back together, Gilford not realizing it. S.D. Cyber Dragon’s mouth is also preparing its attack.)



Dimensional Mist

Group: Trap Card

Type: Trap


On each of your Standby Phases, put 1 Shadow Dimension Counter on this card. Remove any amount of Shadow Dimension Counters from this card to reduce the amount of Battle Damage or Effect Damage you would receive from an attack or card effect by 100 for every Shadow Dimension Counter you remove.

(ART: The eyes of an S.D. monster can be seen glowing through an almost impenetrable screen of black mist.)



S.D. Cyber Gargoyle

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: 2500

Def: 2200

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 "S.D. Cyber Dragon"s on your side of the field. If this face-up card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play. When this card attacks, before the battle step, select and activate one of the following effects:

• Destroy the monster with this card's effect, and inflict 400 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points.

• Conduct the battle normally.

(ART: A dark-steel Cyber monster with fat, black, metal wings and long, chicken-like black-metal feet with sharp, metal claws sits on top of a tree deep in the Shadow Dimension. The metal on the creature is all deformed, and the eyes are dark-yellow.)



Shadow Dimension Revival

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell


Activate only on your Standby Phase. Increase your Life Points by 300 for every "S.D." monster under "The Shadow Dimension". You cannot declare an attack on the turn you activate this card.

(ART: Three S.D. Cyber Dragons float over a Kozaky, who holds his hands into the Shadow Dimension’s sky while laughing crazily, as dark lightning bolts hit him in the hands.)



Dimensional Merger

Group: Spell Card

Type: Spell

At a cost of 500 Life Points per card, you may use "S.D." monsters that are under "The Shadow Dimension" for a single Fusion Summon, and you may fuse them with “S.D.” monsters on your side of the field. After the Fusion Material Monsters are fused, remove them from the game face-down for the remainder of the duel.

(ART: Three S.D. Cyber Dragons swirl around into a dark ball of negative energy, with the remaining area being the starry space of The Shadow Dimension.)



S.D. Negative Chimera

Attrib: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Atk: ?

Def: ?

This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except by the effect of “Dimensional Merger”. The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are 5 or more “S.D.” monsters. The original ATK and DEF of this card become the number of Fusion Material Monsters you used for the Fusion Summon of this card x 800 points. This card inflicts Piercing Damage. When this card would be destroyed or removed from your field, reduce its original ATK and DEF by 200 instead.

(ART: A Chimeratech Overdragon picture, except the core body is pure black, and the heads and tail are made out of plasma-like blood. The eyes are dark-yellow, and the starry space of The Shadow Dimension looms in the background.)

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