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first splices. please look!


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the title says it all.

i'm new to splicing and thought i'd give it a try so here they are.

p.s i like bastiodon alot so i used his head on three of them.

p.s.s i tried to recoulor one of them but it went horrably wrong so please ignore it.

p.s.s.s it will be in attachment form.

[spoiler=first splices]


starting from the left they are:











please rate!

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Well as everyone is mostly saying, you have a good deal of flaws. One of them would happen to be your borders. You by hand tried to remove the black around them. I have to say though you screwed up in a way that most people don't, but please don't take that as complement.


You also lack any form of recoloring. Recoloring usual helps blend two pokemon together much more smoothly. Normally the key to splicing is making one new thing out of the pieces.


Another point is how you used Bastidon's head every time. You never got it quite right. The thing with that head is it's more of a mask than a head. It's also meant for very large bodies. You put in replacement of mostly small heads though. This throws a lot of things off. Pay close attention to the angle things are on, and the sizes and locations.


I decided to not critique everyone of these individually, just because I'd be repeating myself every time. Also as a side note, your recolor has major flaws that I can't even guess what you did wrong. I know you asked for it to be ignored, but if you didn't want us seeing it, going blind, and then commenting on it, you shouldn't have included it.


A side note, I like how no one ever seems to rate in the middle. Either a sprite is "8/10 good for your first time." or "-50/10, my eyes are bleeding." Something tells me people need to stop giving 6's and 7's away to just anything. The numbers 1-5 do exist!

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jappio, i followed yor splicing guide(up to shading) and when i got to the recolour it all went wrong with the rubber part.but what about the shape?(please say you like it:(:(:(.)plus i like bastiodon!!!

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Well glad to hear you followed my guide, but I don't think you followed it well. I don't get what you mean by the rubber part, I'm guessing though you mean the eraser tool. There are other guides that teach it if mine happens to not do it well. As for shape, I already went over the reasons as to why it's not good. The thick ugly borders, the bad placement, angle and stuff of the head. It's ok you like Bastidodon, I didn't say don't use him. I said that you have to be smart about how you use him. I can't really say I like them though, they need lots of work.

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