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Becoming a Legend [PG-13]

Legend Zero

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[align=center]In the distant future (2099) a meteor collides with our planet, most of humanity has been wipedout. But survival from the harsh conditions isn't the only problem, the meteor did not come alone. See what happens when most of the human existance has been wiped out, anything can happen. Create your person and choose to become a legend or an associate of the new race that inhabits Earth.


This will be a long lasting RP, join only if you can make it through the entire RP.

(Guns will not become an option until further along the story)

(I can say no to anyone if I feel they are bad Rpers or wont last) [/align]



Nickname: (optional)


Appr: (pic Please)





Location: (where you start from)

Side: (good, evil, neutral)


My Form

Name: Jacob Mikomi

Nickname: The Legendary Jacob

Age: 16

Appr: RedSwordDude.jpg

Personality: Friendly, energetic, happy

Bio: Jacob was born in Japan but as a child moved to the USA. He grew up there until the age of 8 when he moved back. Then he became fascinated in the martial arts and became very skilled, quickly. Being a good student he was considered a genius at battle stratigy. He is always seen with a smile on his face no matter what the conditions.

Skills: Master in martial arts, cook, making friends, leader

Weapons: Red Wooden Katana

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Side: Good

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Name: Rokujo Miharu

Nickname: Rokujo

Age: 16




Personality: Dark, serious, intelligent, can be Cruel when need be.

Bio: A Master of Strategy, he has been asked by the Military several times for battle tatics. Because of his great knowledge of strategy and intelligence, as well as battle, he is feared by even some of the citizens themselves. He also invented a device used for his weapon, "The Dark Waltz", making the weapon connected to his mind and Nervous system by Telepathic means.

Skills: Strategy,

[spoiler=Weapons:]His weapon, "The Dark Waltz", is a weapon that is made of pure Platnium, which happens to be stronger than gold. He can control it with only his mind and nervous system. It is linked to his Nervous system and Mind because he invented a device that could connect items with people's minds, however, if there is too many items connected with the mind, the mind could develop a major headache, and possibly not be removable.


Location: Tokyo, Japan

Side: Good

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(I want 3 characters but one is going to die really early. Can I? I can provide their forms after?)

Name: Sion Bazhard

Nickname: Young Boy

Age: 21



Personality: Young, Caring, Loving Towards some and Mocking to others.

Bio: Sion was a Bouncer for a club called Fate. Fate struck them I suppose. Sion was born and bred in Japan although he is American. His best friends Kou and Volt were also bouncers. They were known as "Bouncers of Fate". Sion has a strong father feel with Vot and a brotherly feel with Kou. Kou is fast and skillful. Volt strong and durable. Sion on the other hand is a bit of both.

Skills: Fist Fighting and Calmness.

Weapons: Studded Gloves.

Location: Fate,Tokyo,Japan


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Name: Jason

Nickname: Shade

Age: 18




Personality: dark nontalkitive no sence of hummer

Bio: Jason trained trained theart of assisnation under his dad and grandfather. He was an exelnt fighter and could hold his own against many enemies with out breaking a swet

Skills: assisnation and the art of kugnfu(Snake)

Weapons: throwing knives, conselled blade, and short sword

Location: Japanies subbers

Side: good

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Appr: In the thumbnail

Personality:Nice, kind, thougtfull, not athletic, shy.

Bio: His freind betrayed him and killed his parnts and whole family. He has been alone since the age of 8.

Skills:Magic of aby kind.



Side: Good


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Name:Jake Donat

Age: 17


Personality: a little hard headed, but a nice guy overall some what social.

Bio: In the Year 2077 the United States contracted two companies Vault-Tec and RobCo. to construct underground safe houses that can resist and nuclear war. In 2079 the two companies made 183 Vaults in the U.S that can hold up a thousand citizens. once the demonstration was show at the UN several countries wanted these Vaults. But they refused instead the U.S. made Vaults secretly in U.S military bases around the world. and that's the story of that vaults. But i grew up in Vault M202 with my parents, they where to say US genie pigs in a social experiment. They where chosen by the top brass to stay in this Vault for 20 years. A three year later i was born i had a normal life growing up with the other kids my age went to school ectra ectra mostly a normal life.

Skills: an natural engineer, good with computers and the medical filed

Weapons:anything he can pick up.

Location: Vault M202 Japan

Side: neutral


i am just asking what dose the world look like?

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Jason looking around at the ruined training shack "No!" Jason ran to the shack and started throughing chunks of wood and broken training equpment and found the dead bodies of his father and grandfather "DAMM WHO EVER THE HE** DID THIS!!!!" Jason picked up both bodies got a shovle and burried them about 3ft down

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