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Darkrai, The Pitch - Black Pokemon (MY FIRST HOLO!)


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This card can only be Summoned by Tributing 3 DARK monsters you control. When this card is Summoned, select 1 monster your opponent controls. The selected monster cannot attack or change its Battle Position. During each of your End Phases, place 1 Nightmare Counter on the selected monster. For each Nightmare Counter on the selected monster, the selected monster's ATK and DEF is reduced by 100 points. During each of your End Phases, flip a coin. If heads, all Nightmare Counters on the selected monster are removed. If tails, place 2 Nightmare Counters on the selected monster. When this card is destroyed by a non-DARK monster, this card is removed from play instead. [/align]


Pic from darkraisrealm.net

Holo by me.

Holo sheet from Lemo's tutorial.

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