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Hey Salty I love you two, so what's going on in ygos been to busy with school/work/sex etc. to get back in.


Skimmed briefly and heard about the OCG Dark Armed Dragons deck been TCG usable (with psychics, and tuner and all that new-fangled fancy stuff).


Kids my day, we didn't have no fancy Stardust Dragon we had Solemn Judgment and that was is.


Damn youngins'

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ITT: Spam.


Anyway, Let's turn this into a Political Debate.


McCain > Obama


McCain was a Prisoner of War. If you'd rather sombody with little experience and did nothing for this country besides get them riled up over nothing but silly lies, over sombody who has experience in the field and who served our country who also gives us silly lives, then it's a sad, sad day.


Anyway, we were basicly voting for vice-presidents here anyway. McCain is going to die of old age and Obama is probably going to be assasinated. It's a sad country where racism still exists and they would assasinate him, but it's going to happen due to the exsessive racism still within this country.


Palin - Stupid Wolf Killer

Biden - A local actually, so he's cool.


It was a Smart Choice voting for Obama, but in reality, all you did was vote for Joe Biden.

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Topic needs more Yoshi.

Elemental Heroes are far and between' date=' but the Boomerang is Vomit Material. [b']This card makes a great Fire Starter.[/b]


Twisted Firestarter!:twisted:


On topic:


Wait I can't work it out, what is the topic...




The Immortal George Bushi is immortal no more.

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