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TwIsTeD GaArA_95

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the year is 2757 the last of the humans has been killed or brought into slavery but there are a few humans on a distant meteor known as nova 17 the meteor has been pulled down to earth to fight the dark master and close the mirror of darkness


ok i hope that sounds good it is an idea ive had for three weeks now and i have a idea that this is gonna be good

(there are still other races on the meteor but humans are the main)

the only things you cant be if you are good is


evil races are





the shadow lord:me!!!

good races



bio humans


angel of light:(i choose from the best candidates)

the form




good or evil


powers/magic: (only up too 5) (humans non powered)

weapons: (shadows must not has staffs) (angels must have staffs)

quirks: (eg blind E.T.C)

other info:



my form


name:unknown (only known as shadow lord)

good or evil:pure evil

race:shadow lord

powers/magic:unknown numbers of spell tombs

weapons:shadow blade & omega klaws

quirks:seemingly immortal

other info: made of a substance that resembles human

bio:what was once a simple necromancer became the denizen of darkness while casting a spell that went wrong he became a shadow lord and has the power to engulf the world in darkness and eventually become the ruler of the earth


Well thats it if you have any question just ask me and i will tell you and help as much as i can

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name: MHAC-16A (Mobile Hologram ambassador commando)but likes to be called Jake

good or evil:Neutral


powers/magic: can change it to many different races but not objects

weapons:anything he can pick up but mostly has a laser pistol

quirks:Is a hologram the real MHAC-51B is in a computer long destroyed.

other info: the emitter is a small computer that can store and recycle memory like a human brain.

bio:The MHAC-16A is the only one of its kind. It use a sophisticated holoemitter to project a hologram that can walk and talk like any other human. The MHAC-16A was developed by the US Enclave a shadow government under the real US, as an assassin programed to think like a human but better. Its was programed that way to assassinate any enemy political or military target. But as the first target was assigned MHAC-16A it showed signs of thought and emotion. the developers where existed and with that it was sent out. But as the MHAC-16A went on its mission it abandon the mission and vanished from the face of earth. Several years later the invaders came and Jake(his nickname) shut-down till know.

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