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Xepher Dragon? Isn't Xepher a song from Dance Dance Revolution?

Pretty cool...but the images are blurred may because they were too big probably' date=' happens to me too, but anyways 8.5/10 Nice!


Xepher means "the light in darkness".

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When i paste an image it dosn't come.Can it be helped?


Sometimes the image you upload doesn't have a ".jpg" on it. Tf

it doesn't have that and has something like ".nif" yugioh card maker will not

recognize it. Try deleting whatever is after the "." and replace it with jpg.

This is just an example don't try this address.

Such as www.image.com/1436/file-beta.nif will not work but replace nif with

jpg. If that doesn't work right click the image and select view image. Copy it and transfer it to PAINT. Then when you go to save it change the nif to JPG.

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No I mean' date=' when i paste a card here: See a blank space comes.Why no the img of the card?[hr']

I got reealy some cool cards


Downi, this is spam. If you are going to ask for help, go to the SEARCH function at the top of the page, or try the Help/Questions thread. this isn't the place.


These cards are not good. In fact, they are downright horrible. Bad pics, bad OCG, and totally overpowered. You need to practice a lot, dude.



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