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The Official YCM Lottery Drawing- Current Jackpot: 12,967 Points!


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▼ The Official YCM Lottery Drawing ▼




About Us


Need points for a contest? Feel like testing your luck? Your in the right place.


The original YCM Lottery Drawing was created by glassberry. It has been remade several times after that, but I am the first to keep it going this long.


New to The Official YCM Lottery Drawing? Check out the Standard Procedure.



[spoiler=Standard Procedure]




One ticket costs 50 points. Of course you can buy as many as you wish, however I will not refund points as it only makes my job alot more difficult. The more tickets you have, the greater chance you have at winning.




1st Place - 75% of the total jackpot.

2nd Place - 15% of the total jackpot.

3rd and 4th Place - 5% of the total jackpot.


As you can see, I get nothing at all, so this isn't a "rip-off" as some have called it.


Also, as an added bonus, a random entrant will receive a +rep.


How do I get results?


I use this: http://random.org/lists/


When do I announce the results?


Every Sunday. Be there!


I will only extend the end date if 1) We have less then 4 entrants. 2) The jackpot is below 3000.


If am late for whatever reason, please be paitent. Remember I get nothing out of doing this job, so the least you could do is wait.







We are always accepting donations. :)


Oh and now donations will also be included in the "Past Winners" spoiler for the round the donation was made in.



[spoiler=Past Winners]


Here I include details for past rounds.


NOTE: Content of all rounds held before this have been deleted. It was all over the place and I had clean things a bit.


Date: April 29th. Round: ??

Donaters: ?? Tickets: 1987

Jackpot: 94,985 Winners 1st: -Ruby- [71,238] 2nd: Frlf [10,000] 3rd: Bloodrun [4794] 4th: Omni [4794] 5th: ~JG~ [3247] 6th: glassberry [1000]


Date: May 27. Round: ??

Donaters: ?? Tickets: 362

Jackpot: 18,100 Winners 1st: Frlf [13,575] 2nd: Hobbes96 [3700] 3rd: Haseo [2800] 4th: Exyst [+rep]


Date: June 9th. Round: ??

Donaters: ?? Tickets: 263

Jackpot: 25,540 Winners 1st: glassberry [20,432] 2nd: Seta Sojiro [3831] 3rd: Hobbes96 [1277] 4th: Haseo [+rep]


Date: July 18th. Round: ??

Donaters: ?? Tickets: 260

Jackpot: 14,233 Winners 1st: iKiller [11,386] 2nd: GHawk [2134] 3rd: ~TwIsTeD~ [711] 4th: One Word [+rep]


Date: August 8th. Round: ??

Donaters: ?? Tickets: 305

Jackpot: 15,100 Winners 1st: Tiger [12,080] 2nd: Tainted Wisdom [2165] 3rd: Death Bishop [755] 4th: The Devaštatør [+rep]


Date: October 4th. Round: 1

Donaters: ~JG~ - 29,559/ Cosmic - 513/ VK-Duelist - 100/ DJ Seh-Vun - 50/ Ecoboy1324 - 25/ -Ruby- - 13 Tickets: 263

Jackpot: 56,109 Winners 1st: Shinku Hadoken [42,081] 2nd: -Ruby- [8416] 3rd: Tainted Wisdom [2805] 4th: Dark Rose [2805] Bonus: ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ [+1 rep]



[spoiler= Top 5 Winners]


Here I add the top five winners who have won the most rounds, including the total amount of points they have won:


NOTE: Prior to October 4th 2009.


1st - Shinku Hadoken Total: 42,081

2nd - -Ruby- Total: 8416

3rd - Tainted Wisdom Total: 2805

4th - Dark Rose Total: 2805

5th -



[spoiler= Top 5 Donaters]


Here I add the top five donaters who have donated the most towards the lotto, including the total amount they have donated:


NOTE: Prior to October 4th 2009.


1st: ~JG~ Total: 29,559

2nd: Cosmic Total: 513

3rd: VK-Duelist Total: 100

4th: DJ Seh-Vun Total: 50

5th: Ecoboy1324 Total: 25



[spoiler=Tickets Purchased]

rodri666 3 Ticket

Dream2Defy 1 Ticket

ToOo0n Pr!Nc3 2 Tickets

donnie5678 1 Ticket

iKiller 230 Tickets

♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥ 1 Ticket

~Fallen Soul~ 20 Tickets

Arc 1 Ticket


Total: 279 Tickets.


Donaters: iKiller [17]








I have changed a few things slightly. Firstly, rather then 4th place receiving just a +rep, they will receive 5% of the total jackpot, to make all main prizes points. Also, a rep will be given to a random participant to try to encourage more members to enter.


I tried to make this more of a game, after all not to long ago it was in the General section, so I add two new spoilers; the Top 5 Winners and Top 5 Donaters. From now on rounds are numbered. The past winners spoiler is more detailed, as it now states the round number and all the donations that were made during that round. Sunday is now the intended date for a round to end.




Suggestions for improvement are more than welcome. Any further questions, just ask. Thank you for reading. Have fun.


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Im back! Wow, where did I get all these points? Ok, i'll add everyone to the first post. And update the jackpot. Let's see how much we got, and results will be announced in an hour or two.


Good day.




EDIT: Jackpot = 14,150 Points!

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