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§hadow §triker

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During each of your standby phases roll a six-sided dice. Activate one of the following effects based on the number you rolled.

1: when this card attacks a monster decrease the attacked monster's attack and defense points by half.

2: when this card attacks a monster negate that cards effect.

3: Pay 1000 life points to re-roll the dice if you don't this card is treated as a normal monster while face-up on the field and you cannot roll a dice for any card effect.

4: You must pay 1000 to attack with this monster during the turn this effect is activated.

5: When this card attacks a monster lower this cards attack points by half of the original attack.

6: Destroy this card

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During each of your Standby Phases, roll a six-sided dice. Activate one of the following effects based on the number you rolled:

1: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, half that monsters ATK and DEF.

2: When this card attacks an effects monster, negate that cards effect.

3: Pay 1000 Life Points to re-roll the dice. If you do not this card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field and its effect cannot be activated.

4: You must pay 1000 Life Points in order to attack with this monster during the turn this effect is activated.

5: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, lower this card's original ATK by half.

6: Send this card to the Graveyard.

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During each of your Standby Phases' date=' roll a six-sided dice. Activate one of the following effects based on the number you rolled:

1: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, half that monsters ATK and DEF.

2: When this card attacks an effects monster, negate that cards effect.

3: Pay 1000 Life Points to re-roll the dice. If you do not this card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field and its effect cannot be activated.

4: You must pay 1000 Life Points in order to attack with this monster during the turn this effect is activated.

5: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, lower this card's original ATK by half.

6: Send this card to the Graveyard.



Dude, that rocks! You could make points off of this alone! Payment comin right up.

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can i have i splice with chatot + bedrill


Coming up! ;)





During each of your Standby Phases' date=' roll a six-sided dice. Activate one of the following effects based on the number you rolled:

1: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, half that monsters ATK and DEF.

2: When this card attacks an effects monster, negate that cards effect.

3: Pay 1000 Life Points to re-roll the dice. If you do not this card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field and its effect cannot be activated.

4: You must pay 1000 Life Points in order to attack with this monster during the turn this effect is activated.

5: When this card attacks an opponent's monster, lower this card's original ATK by half.

6: Send this card to the Graveyard.



Dude, that rocks! You could make points off of this alone! Payment comin right up.


Thank you! :)

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Pokemon(s) to be used:pikachu,raichu,elekid,pulsie and what to do with it:put pikachus head on raichus head and then put elekids head on raichu right by pikachus and put pulsie ears on top of them and his and and his feet on raichu then put puslies eyes on raichus eyes and then put elekids marks on raichu!!! Color Scheme:black,red,oarnge,green, make it look good

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Pokemon(s) to be used:pikachu' date='raichu,elekid,pulsie and what to do with it:put pikachus head on raichus head and then put elekids head on raichu right by pikachus and put pulsie ears on top of them and his and and his feet on raichu then put puslies eyes on raichus eyes and then put elekids marks on raichu!!! Color Scheme:black,red,oarnge,green, make it look good



wow that is a lot of work. Some of it does not make sense though. If raichu's head is being rplaced, then how can i put puslies eyes on raichus eyes if raichu's head isn't even there. Also when you say, put elekids marks on raichu, does that mean raichu's body?

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