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The Lunas project


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right, this is my first ever post, thread watever, just registered 5 mins ago but i use the card maker often as a guest no really trust me none of this will be any good...


so wat this is about. I recently decided to make my own Sonic character, Lunas the hedgehog, a special dark grey hedgehog with the mystical hidden UNNAPRICATED (made this up.. -.-) powers of the moon. just so happens that i like Yu-Gi-Oh!, and i know of this website, so i thought id give it ago, heres the card i made, a bit overpowered, but its gonna be solid to summon, when i make the card (Legacy of the Moon) any ideas and input would be good, nuttin like you sad, sad person and stuff.




Btw i kno its crapppp

dam its tiny


theeeeere we gooo

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not tryin to be rude, i did say its gonna be solid to summon, i was even thinking of it being a ritual card, i was thinking 3 tributes, and one has to be a certain card, butt mabye not the last bit. i will from this moment on be working on the summon card (plz dnt complain bout spelling if there is any.)

oh, and the pic, i agree with, but gotta admit unless u amazing with some sort of program, its pretty hard to get a good pic

Oki, here we go, here are the two cards i have made, and i know Lunas is overpowered, but that was the point as it will be the strongest and supposedly rarest card in the 'set' but i have made it over-hard to summon





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Hey, decided to make an 'opposite' version, here is the summon card, i will post all updated pics at the end of the 4 main cards, and i would really REALLY appreciate some updates on how to improve them plzz




it might take a long time to make Solaras or watever hes called, cos of the pics

Hey, i KNOW i keep posting, but here are the final four. im telling you i need to improve!!. plz tell me to improve, and sugest other things for the set, i need atleast 2 'luna guardian cards, and 2 sola guardian cards




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