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Lock No One Buys

Master of Shadows

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[spoiler=Items,Examples,Forms and Prices]

Inverted Card (both image and card inverted):1P


Form: post the card you want inverted on this thread.

Inverted Image:1P


Form: post the image(or card with an image on) you want inverted on this thread.

Inverted Card (Not Inverted Image!):1P


Form: post the card you want inverted on this thread.

Black&White Card:1P


Form: post the card you want black&whited on this thread.

Golden sticker:1P


Form: post the card you want a gold sticker on on this thread.

Coloured Card:1P


Form: Post the card you want coloured(and the colour you want) on this thread.

Coloured Image:2P


Form: post the image(or card with an image on) that you want coloured on this thread.

OCG fixing:2P

Post the effect of the card you want fixed. Then, i'll fix it and you pay.

Example: before: you can special sumon this card if you have a monster

After: You can Special Summon this card from your hand if you have a monster on your side of the field.


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