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Kingdom Hearts Cards Will Make a lot More


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Please, don't make more.

The pics suck, your OCG is awful, and they have basically the same effects.

Here's an example of how the first effect should read:

This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for each "Heartless" monster you control. Once per turn, by discarding 1 card, you can destroy 1 face-up LIGHT monster.

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Give him some Slack man hes just new


New =/= Is Blind to the OCG Section and Rules Section


dude there opposites thats the point so go quack at your moms d1ck


Well, first off, you misused the term "there"; it should be "they're". You misspelled dick, didn't capitalize the "D" in dude, didn't use an apostrophe at tha- Oh, am I rambling?


Just because they're opposite doesn't mean "lolololol lettz giv dem da saem efekt but w/ only 1 difrens!!!!11!"

There's one difference to the effect! The effect in itself is unoriginal anyway. I don't care if you're new. This is a website in which if you post your cards, people are open to criticize and/or praise as they please. Grow up.

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