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As long as this card is faced up on your side of the field, pay 1000 life points and choose an Attribute, monsters with that chosen Attribute are destroyed and removed from play from the field and if any of those monsters with the chosen attribute is in either player's graveyards, remove those cards from the game as well.





This card's other type is treated as SPELLCASTER.

When this card successfully destroys one of your opponent's monsters, reveal a spell, trap, or effect monster card from your hand, the effect of the revealed card is added onto one of your faced down spell or trap cards until end of turn. You may remove one of your spell or trap cards from the game to negate an attack or effect on this card or to another monster you control.




As long as this card is faced up on the field, pay 1000 life points to return a DARK attribute FIEND type monster from the graveyard onto the field in faced down DEF position, after your end phase that monster is destroyed and select a monster your opponent controls, destroy that monster also.




This card can only be ritual summoned with the ritual spell card "Synthesis Lapse" and you must also offer a SPELLCASTER monster whose level is equal to this card. As long as this card is faced up on your side of the field, discard your hand and pay 2000 life points, after a number of turns equal to the cards you discarded, restart the game with no monsters on the field, a new hand, and full life points, but Eril, The Guardian of Time is still on your side of the field, you may play this ability as long as this card is not destroyed from play. If this card is destroyed from play, return all cards to your hand.




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