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Dante Cards


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[spoiler=Dante lore]If this card attacks a Fiend-Type monster, increase this card's ATK equal to half the ATK of the attack target. Each time you destroy a Fiend-Type monster with this card, place 1 "Devil Counter" on this card. Tribute this card with 3 "Devil Counter's" on it to Special Summon "Devil Trigger Dante" or "Majin Dante" from your hand or Deck.




[spoiler=DT Dante lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Devil Hunter Dante". If this card battles with a Fiend or Zombie-Type monster, destroy that monster at the end of the Damage Step. Increase this cards ATK by 100 every time it destroys a Fiend or Zombie-Type monster. Destroy this card 5 turns after it was Special Summoned and Special Summon "Devil Hunter Dante" from your Graveyard.




[spoiler=Majin Dante lore]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Devil Hunter Dante" and when your Life Points are below 1500. This monster cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card battles with a Fiend or Zombie-Type monster, remove that monster from play at the end of the Damage Step. Destroy this card 2 turns after it was Special Summoned and Special Summon "Devil Hunter Dante" from your Graveyard.




art by wolfyr, 5MinApocolypse and nJoo[/align]

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Good pics but there a bit overpowering' date=' also you know that dante is to do with the devil. So 6/10.



Its a fictional character? why give him low score for relation with the devil?


i liek the devil trigger effect. I made my own DMC cards, but used a LV based technique.


Love the counter effect :D


8.4/10, better pics than the ones i used? whered you get them?

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