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My Dark World Deck


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i like the dark worlds best so i decided to make a deck about them.


Dark World Deck:


Scarr, Scout of Dark World x3

Gold, Wu-lord of Dar World x3

Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World x3

Broww, Huntsman of Dark World x3

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World x3

Brron, Mad King of Dark World x3

Kahki, Guerilla of Dark World x3

Gren, Tactician of Dark World x3

Morphing jar


Gateway to Dark World x3

Dark World Dealing x3

Dark World Lightning x3

Monster Reborn

Card Destruction

Magical Stone Excavation x2


Raigeki Break x3

The Forces of Darkness x3





What do you think?

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this is absolutly horrible there is no cosr, allure, or solemns not to mention all that stupid crap your running gren, scarr, kahki, riegeki break, magical stone, bronn without shrink, gate way (which is iffy at best),and forces of darkness... friggin scrub...

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You really haven't given this deck any thought. It's just 3 of nearly every Dark World monster, and a poor lineup of spells and traps to go with it. You firstly need to consider a balance between how many Dark World monsters you want to play, and the number of ways you have to activate their effects. Also, mono Dark World builds aren't brilliant, build Dark World Synchro or GK Dark World with Royal Tribute FTW

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where is Morphing jar's support

he is just a little jar he needs more help

add 2 more

also add a card destorythingy in there to

your stupid


You really haven't given this deck any thought. It's just 3 of nearly every Dark World monster' date=' and a poor lineup of spells and traps to go with it. You firstly need to consider a balance between how many Dark World monsters you want to play, and the number of ways you have to activate their effects. Also, mono Dark World builds aren't brilliant, build Dark World Synchro or GK Dark World with Royal Tribute FTW



dont forget about dw monarch (just a little something i threw together recently its fun)

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i see...i should put 2 cosr instead 2 magical stone excavations

2 pot of avarices instead of 2 the forces of darkness and lightning vorterx instead of third the forces of darkness


no.. all you got right in that was the 2 cosr...let me give you a good deck list for dw... dw monarchs


3x goldd

3x sillva

2x broww

2x beigge

3x caius

2x thesty

1x raiza

1x morphing jar


3x allure

2x cosr

1x card destruction

3x dwd

2x dwl

1x brain control

2x book of moon

1x monster reborn

1x heavy storm

1x giant trunade


3x solemn

2x pwwb

1x mirror


most of the stuff you have in your deck is a waste of valuble space or doesnt work with this meta at all. ... i think one of the reasons your running things like magical stone is because you think dw come back when they are discarded by it... they dont! there is a difference between discarding for as effect and discarding as a cost.

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