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OK people i finally have an "OUTLINE" of the deck... i know it still needs major work and possibly a better win condition


3x avion

3x burstinatrix

3x spark man

3x tune warrior

3x prisma

1x stratos

3x king of the swamp


2x e call

3x miracle fusion

3x o over soul

3x rota

3x sky scraper

1x future fusion

1x giant trunade

1x heavy storm

1x reborn the monster (lol)

3x enchanted fitting room


2x dark bribe

3x solemn

3x pwwb

1x TT

1x mirror


extra deck


3x flame wingman

3x shining flare wingman

3x plasma vice

3x goyo

1x sdd

2x BRD


OK so i plan on the fusions being insanely consistent in here... don't know though... i haven't tried the deck out yet


... basically i need the deck to be smaller...



LOL avion and burst lady

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