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The Hyper Psycho Gunner OTK Deck

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Today I thought of 2 OTKs with that card.


Monsters: ( 19 )

1x Hyper Psycho Gunner/Buster

1x Stardust Dragon/Buster

2x Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

3x The Agent of Judgment - Saturn

3x Buster Beast

1x Sangan

2x Overdrive Teleporter

2x Krebons

2x Psychic Commander

1x Cyber Dragon


Spells: ( 13 )

2x The Sanctuary in the Sky

2x Buster Teleport

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Monster Reborn

1x Reasoning

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Heavy Storm

2x Soul Taker


Traps: ( 9 )

2x Raigeki Break

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Buster Mode


Extra Deck:

3x Hyper Psycho Gunner

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Red Archfiend Dragon

3x Black Rose Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian


Raigeki Break + HPG + HPG/Buster + Buster Mode and HPG + Saturn ftw.

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