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Survivor-Awaiting the finals


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Well just to show you the trouble I went through...

I made this card from scratch and spent so much time getting a pic and uploading since there was an error



[spoiler=Exedus, The Greatly Feared Sky Lord's Effect:]This cards Attribute is also treated as DARK. This card cannot be destroyed by battle when in Defence Position. Once per turn, when a monster on your side of the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you may select 1 card on your opponents side of the field and return it to their hand. If you returned a card to your opponents by this cards effect, put 1 Sky Counter on a monster (excluding this card) on your side of the field. Each monster on your side of the field gains 400 attack points for each Sky Counter on it. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters on your side of the field that had its attack points increased by the effect of this card.


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Let me remind you, ANY argurments with ANY score is an automatic loss for your team and the arguer automaticly gets the boot. Do pass Tribal Council, do not collect $200[align=center]Results:


Team Infinity


Browarod: 9.6/10 Exellent score. You lost the majority of your points on the Balenced part of the grading scale. Seemed overpowered.


Konnie: 8.6/10. You lost the majority of your points in the OCG/Grammar part of the grading scale. You had moderately bad OCG and you misspelled 'normally'. Also, I apologize for what I said earlier. I did not see your card when I posted that one post.


Shradow: 9.2/10. You had even losses, the pic looked squished, too hard to summon for crappy effect (no offense), boring effect (no offense).


K.B.: 9.3/10. Bunch of small grammar mistakes in the card like comma etc(ect, I can never tell). Name is to long, looks blehish.


Yankee: 4.6/10. You score was halved. You OCG was off. I'll have to call my judges on this one, your card works with the rest of your team, but it's more of a poison than a bonus.


Raven: 0/10. You card sucked. A lot. You know why? You never turned one in.


Total: 6.9/10

Your cards work together. Plus 2 points

Final: 8.9/10



Silent Tribe


DeMeNTed: I'll allow your card this one time because I forgot to say so in my announcements but Master Rule OCG is not welcome in my contest. 9.4/10


Ned: 9.1/10. No big comment here. Actually, no comment at all....


Ruby: 9.5/10. Ocg was your biggest problem. Now can anybody here tell my another name for placing a card facedown on the field?


Huntie: 8.8/10. I'm not sure I fully understand the effect; must you destroy 2 monsters on your opponents field, or mearly tribute them?


J123: 4.3/10. You card was late. Work on OCG.


Dustin, your card sucks just as much as Raven's for the same reason :P


Total: 6.9

I didn't see much effort for a bonus in there.

I declare The Infinity Tribe the winners of this round.

Silent, report to IFX for Tribal Council where another one of your members will bite the dust. Ruby, congradulations, you have immunity. You can keep it or assign it to another member of your tribe.



Also, before I sign off, I have to say, I'm very pleased.

I created the 'Trash Talk' thread when I noticed some members arguing in this contest.

I didn't want it in this contest so I made this thread.

Since it had been created, no member has used it. This pleases Zeroshot.

So much, I'm gonna have some more fun with you guys.


I need each team to select their best card maker, according to your opinions, before the beginning of the next round which starts in 3 days.

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