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Dark Deck


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Dark Deck: 44 Cards


Monsters: 24 Cards

3x D-Hero Malicous

2x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Rainbow Dark Dragon

3x Don Zalog

1x Sangan

1x Dark Nephthys

3x Armageddon Knight

3x Dark Grepher

1x Darklord Zerato

2x Strike Ninja

3x Kreebons


Spells: 13 Cards

1x Monster Reborn

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Emergency Teleport

3x Destiny Draws

1x Dark Eruption

2x Fires of Doomsday


Traps: 7 Cards

3x Bottemless Trap Holes

2x Sakeretsu Armer

1x Escape from the Dark Diminsion

1x Mirror Force


Extra Deck:

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Red Archfiend B. Dragon

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Remove the following:


Rainbow Dark Dragon (obvious reasons such as the fact this isnt RDDT)

Don Zaloog (this isn't hand control)

Dark Nepthys (uneeded)

Armageddon Knight (too much mill isnt a good thing in here)

Strike Ninja (Prometheus >>>> Strike Ninja)

Sakuretsu Armor (terrible card)

Escape from the Dark Dimension (DDR does the job better but since this isnt Return, I would lose it)

Dark Eruption (dont run it outside of Exodia)




Psychic Commander (more targets for E-Tele and opens up a field nuking option in Black Rose Dragon)

Destiny Hero - Doom Lord (more targets for Destiny Draw and the fact you're running 3 Destiny Heroes with 3 targets is a terrible thing)

Prometheus (been stated before. Also better grave control than Strike Ninja)

Breaker the Magical Warrior (why the hell arent you running it?)

Solemn Judgment (if you can get it add it)

Heavy Storm (rapes non-chainables and allows you to swarm the field with Synchros more effectively)

Giant Trunade (additional Spell and Trap removal)

Torrential Tribute (better than Mirror Force in this Format)

Crush Card Virus (adds to the pain and if you can get it add it)


Hope this helps.

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