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Putting Things Into Perspective

Sten Darker

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Try making the effects relevant to the politicians(Sorry for OCG errors):


Obama- This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 DARK monster and 1 LIGHT monster in your graveyard from play. Increase the attack of all Level 4 or lower monsters on your side of the field by 1000, and decrease the attack of all Level 8 or higher monsters on your side of the field by 1000. This card cannot declare an attack, except against a monster with "Afghanistan" in its card name.


McCain- This card's name is treated as, "George Bush". When this card is Summoned, destroy monsters so that you only control one type. As long as this card remains face-up on the field you can only control one type of monster. Twice per turn, when you inflict Effect Damage to your opponent, you can double the inflicted damage. You take 1000 damage during each of your Standby Phases.


It's more relevant as Obama helps the lower class and is against dirty tactics and also doesn't want the war in Iraq. McCain doesn't want unity, uses GB's plans, constantly mudslings, and will slowly destroy the country.


Maybe you can make a Palin support card that would be destroyed instead if a "George Bush" you control would be destroyed, since the McCain company scapegoats her for everything.

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Well, mine's more relevent, so sorry. I was referring to Obama's censorship. Did you even know that they've even gotten videos MADE BY MCCAINS FOUNDATION removed!? It only looks like McCain's doing all the mudslinging because they're trying to shut up all of the valid stuff! And besides, remember the "My family is off limits!... oooh! Look what Palin's kid did!" I've seen too much hyppocracy in Obama to trust him, even assuming his ideas would work (which they probably won't)


As for McCain HE IS NOT BUSH! The fact is, Obama just wants you all to think he's exactly the same to win votes. bush is associated with bad, so by assosiating McCain with Bush, it'll assosiate him with bad. Standard politition tactic. typical of Obama.



as for his plan, it relies on the humanity of big business... which won't work. If the rich get over taxed, they'll want to get the money back, and the best way to do that is to raise prices. Of course, we know that most of 'em will find loopholes and won't even need to pay their taxes. resaulting in MORE OF THE SAME!


McCain will give them reason to lower their prices. most of them will take it, and if any won't, they'll simply fail, because their customers will have turned to those who did. It forces them to be fair! That is the "trickle down" effect that Obama condemned without giving it a second thought.


Spire: yes it definately could. :) thanks for the advise. I'll go back and edit it some time. but I hope you guys understand it for now.

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Wow. I laughed when you said Obama said his kids were off-limit then said look at Palin's kid? That's exactly what he didn't do.


I put the GB part in just to PO you, but his policies aren't much different than his, if you actually take time to look.


Yes, because putting tax cuts on the wealthy will make them so generous. McCain's logic is total BS and it's not an instantly condemned effect seeing as it's what GB did. The rich have been failing for a long time.


The only mudslinging Obama did was...uh...calling him GB. McCain calls Obama un-American every day. This topic is nothing but a mindless flame, the OCG is way off and the effects suck along with the pic. My effects win.

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why is it, that almost every Democrat I've met on the Internet so rude? ... oh yeah, that's right. the internet... gotcha.


I meant, Obama was a coward, when every Democrat (seemingly) went after Palin AND her family at every turn, and Obama didn't do anything about it. frankly, if Obama was a true leader, he wouldn't stand for his followers' dirty tactics, blind accusations, and mudslinging. Not to mention general rudness, as I've seen. Obama doesn't need to dirty tactics to win. He's already got a brainwashed nation to do it for him.


You are another unfortunate victim of brainwashing. McCains logic is, "we'll give you a break, if you give them a break. If you do not... well then it's a good thing there's enough intelligent corperations who did lower prices, because they can continiue while you get screwed. what? changed your mind? Ok, good."


Obama's logic, "ok, here's the plan, rich dudes, I'll steal from you, and give it to hard working middle class and poor... I'll also give it to the free loaders, but that's beside the point, I'll give it to the middle class." Robin hood mentality is ok, except for 2 factors... 1. the rich won't like that, and, as their source of income, the middle class will be taken for every cent, and the resault will be exactly as it is right now. 2. The rich, and snooty have ways out of taxes. Most of them won't need to pay the extra fees, and will only become richer if they decide to raise prices on the middle class, now that they get all that extra income!

In the end, Obama's "Change" inevitably leads to more of the same! OOH! and if the rich don't pay their taxes, who, do you think, is going to fund all those overhead projectors you know Obama's going to build?


And McCain's ideas are similar to Bush's, not the same. He wants to fix what Bush did wrong. He wants to end the war, not run away from it, only to go back when they start up WWIII! (another point, not all Iraqi's are terrorists. If we leave, just like in Vietnam, there will be a bloodbath. The innocent will fall under a new dictator, and who knows how many will be killed.)

the fact is, that Bush, while not nearly as bad as everyone likes to think he is, was, indeed, a bad representative of Republicans. and through him, you guys have all associated Reublican (not conservative. don't go into that) beliefs directly with Bush. which makes them bad in your eyes.



I guess your not aware of this, but you completely ignored the point I made about censorship. That's about the scariest thing about Obama. more, even, than the socialism. (I know, it's wikipedia, but you still might learn something, and hopefully make the connection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism ) anyway, The Obama (our version of the) Truth Squad has Nazi written all over it. It's not bringing out the truth, its covering up truths that make Obama look bad! Everywhere, honesty, free speach, and individual thinking is being shot down to make room for the new order. One that undermines the very princibles that America was founded on!!

Whoa' date=' Whoa, WHOA! Does EVERY site have to go into politics? Not too long ago, I saw a "Barack Oretard". Just cool down.



This is the most important election in American history! This will make the difference between a Socialist, pro-death America, and the ongoing stuggle to advance, while still preserving morality in our world. If the Democrats win, it'll be victory, because they'll have the Legislative Branch, the Executive, and the opertunity to gain more power over the Judicial! If we win, we'll have only bought time for the next four years.


As for the "Oretard" card... yeah, don't listen to those idiots! They're probably twelve anyway. Don't let morons like them, or any racists affect your opinion of the Republican party! We hate them as much as you. the difference, we're not afraid to take on our own side!

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why is it' date=' that almost every Democrat I've met on the Internet so rude? ... oh yeah, that's right. the internet... gotcha.


I meant, Obama was a coward, when every Democrat (seemingly) went after Palin AND her family at every turn, and Obama didn't do anything about it. frankly, if Obama was a true leader, he wouldn't stand for his followers' dirty tactics, blind accusations, and mudslinging. Not to mention general rudness, as I've seen. Obama doesn't need to dirty tactics to win. He's already got a brainwashed nation to do it for him.


You are another unfortunate victim of brainwashing. McCains logic is, "we'll give you a break, if you give them a break. If you do not... well then it's a good thing there's enough intelligent corperations who did lower prices, because they can continiue while you get screwed. what? changed your mind? Ok, good."


Obama's logic, "ok, here's the plan, rich dudes, I'll steal from you, and give it to hard working middle class and poor... I'll also give it to the free loaders, but that's beside the point, I'll give it to the middle class." Robin hood mentality is ok, except for 2 factors... 1. the rich won't like that, and, as their source of income, the middle class will be taken for every cent, and the resault will be exactly as it is right now. 2. The rich, and snooty have ways out of taxes. Most of them won't need to pay the extra fees, and will only become richer if they decide to raise prices on the middle class, now that they get all that extra income!

In the end, Obama's "Change" inevitably leads to [u']more of the same[/u]! OOH! and if the rich don't pay their taxes, who, do you think, is going to fund all those overhead projectors you know Obama's going to build?


And McCain's ideas are similar to Bush's, not the same. He wants to fix what Bush did wrong. He wants to end the war, not run away from it, only to go back when they start up WWIII! (another point, not all Iraqi's are terrorists. If we leave, just like in Vietnam, there will be a bloodbath. The innocent will fall under a new dictator, and who knows how many will be killed.)

the fact is, that Bush, while not nearly as bad as everyone likes to think he is, was, indeed, a bad representative of Republicans. and through him, you guys have all associated Reublican (not conservative. don't go into that) beliefs directly with Bush. which makes them bad in your eyes.



I guess your not aware of this, but you completely ignored the point I made about censorship. That's about the scariest thing about Obama. more, even, than the socialism. (I know, it's wikipedia, but you still might learn something, and hopefully make the connection http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism ) anyway, The Obama (our version of the) Truth Squad has Nazi written all over it. It's not bringing out the truth, its covering up truths that make Obama look bad! Everywhere, honesty, free speach, and individual thinking is being shot down to make room for the new order. One that undermines the very princibles that America was founded on!!

Whoa' date=' Whoa, WHOA! Does EVERY site have to go into politics? Not too long ago, I saw a "Barack Oretard". Just cool down.



This is the most important election in American history! This will make the difference between a Socialist, pro-death America, and the ongoing stuggle to advance, while still preserving morality in our world. If the Democrats win, it'll be victory, because they'll have the Legislative Branch, the Executive, and the opertunity to gain more power over the Judicial! If we win, we'll have only bought time for the next four years.


As for the "Oretard" card... yeah, don't listen to those idiots! They're probably twelve anyway. Don't let morons like them, or any racists affect your opinion of the Republican party! We hate them as much as you. the difference, we're not afraid to take on our own side!

That post isn't worth being read when your entire first post was incorrect and you claimed Dems were rude when this is a giant troll. If you actually want to debate, PM me with a non-totally opinionated observation you made about a candidate.

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This is more important than trolling! (I admit I was trolling. but for the purpose of perhaps saving our country! This is a troll... but I am not.)

This IS one of the most important elections in history, and defeat would be devastating, because they will have gained darn-near complete control of the Federal Government!


I'm sorry if I've offended you. This election is just so crucial, I am freeking out. I guess I have been alittle rude myself. (although not as much as alot of the jerks I've seen on the interweb)


No. PMing is NOT the option right now, because this is a perfect opertunity to present facts. each of us are presenting our information for our side that perhaps might help either side, in some way.


As for my first post... NO IT ISN'T!! The fact is that you just disagree with it. Don't talk about being opinionated, when you are even more-so than I am!


I don't care if you feel its "not worth reading" I showed you respect by taking you seriously, and read through your every point, and tried my best to address it. If you can't think of anything against even half of my points... then perhaps you are on the wrong side. hmm?


Please, if you have something to say about the socialism, the censorship, or my points on his tax policy, please do. If not, say so. Honesty is something I respect. Exactly why I don't respect Obama, and even more so, Biden. I feel sorry for him, and you.

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This is more important than trolling! (I admit I was trolling. but for the purpose of perhaps saving our country! This is a troll... but I am not.)

This IS one of the most important elections in history' date=' and defeat would be devastating, because they will have gained darn-near complete control of the Federal Government!


I'm sorry if I've offended you. This election is just so crucial, I am freeking out. I guess I have been alittle rude myself. (although not as much as alot of the jerks I've seen on the interweb)


No. PMing is NOT the option right now, because this is a perfect opertunity to present facts. each of us are presenting our information for our side that perhaps might help either side, in some way.


As for my first post... NO IT ISN'T!! The fact is that [i']you[/i] just disagree with it. Don't talk about being opinionated, when you are even more-so than I am!


I don't care if you feel its "not worth reading" I showed you respect by taking you seriously, and read through your every point, and tried my best to address it. If you can't think of anything against even half of my points... then perhaps you are on the wrong side. hmm?


Please, if you have something to say about the socialism, the censorship, or my points on his tax policy, please do. If not, say so. Honesty is something I respect. Exactly why I don't respect Obama, and even more so, Biden. I feel sorry for him, and you.

Neither candidate has a great tax plan, I just find Obama's more effective. I'm glad that you took the time to read through my post, and I respect that. I would respond, but it's sort of pointless as the election is tomorrow.


I hope you live a content life, no matter who's elected. Don't despair if Obama's elected, I won't if McCain wins.

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:) thank you. I wish you the same. I still hope McCain wins. I find his more effective, but the issues I like him for the most, I didn't mention because odds are, as a democrat you don't share them. Certain issues of morality.


sorry I got angry, and that this debate got... I think the phrase "off the hinges" is real... I hope that works... I dunno... I've accidently made up phrases before. but, yeah, I'm sorry this debate turned into so much flame.



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:) thank you. I wish you the same. I still hope McCain wins. I find his more effective' date=' but the issues I like him for the most, I didn't mention because odds are, as a democrat you don't share them. Certain issues of morality.


sorry I got angry, and that this debate got... I think the phrase "off the hinges" is real... I hope that works... I dunno... I've accidently made up phrases before. but, yeah, I'm sorry this debate turned into so much flame.




If you're talking about abortion, I don't really like it either.

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