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[info=LOCK] If no-one goes to this,then I will build a bigger,better shop.[/info]


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[align=center]We welcome you,to Pokéstore!


We treat you like Gods in this shop.You get the most attention.

[spoiler=Who I need to Thank:]

Thanks to Jonas Greve for his Pokemon Card Tutorial.

Thanks to Jappio for his Splicing Tutorial.


Now lets start with the Pokemon Items.

Chapter 1: Pokemon Items

[spoiler=Pokemon Items:]


[spoiler=Made-Up Pokemon Cards:]




Evoloution(Base,Stage 1 or Stage 2):


What Pokedex number you want it to be:

Attack 1:

Attack 1's effect:

Attack 1's damage:

Attack 2:

Attack 2's effect:

Attack 2's damage:

Pokemon Description:


Type of pokemon(Example:Diving pokemon):


Weight(Example:13.2 lbs.):


Weakness Damage(+10,+20,+30 or +40):


Resitance Damage(-10,-20,-30 or -40):

Retreat Cost:








Pokemon to Splice:



They are not the best...




Will soon be updated.


Chapter 2: Other

Coming soon.


No Spamming

No Flaming

No Begging

Please be Patiant,as Your order could take a bit long.



I am hiring for my shop.

To be Hired' date='Just PM me and show me your examples of what you can do.[/quote']


Happy Shopping!!![/align]

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Cool ;)

Can I have a custom Darkrai please? Just call it "Killer's Darkrai", give it a different picture than the normal, preferably custom, and same effects. Thanks in advanced!


Can I work here as a Splicer and Recolor'er please? You've already seen my work, so I needn't post it here, although if you want me to, I will...

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Name: [Dark]'s Darkrai

Level: 50

Evoloution(Base,Stage 1 or Stage 2): Basic

Hp: 120

What Pokedex number you want it to be: 491

Attack 1: Dark Void

Attack 1's effect: Put one of your opponent's Pokemon to Sleep.

Attack 1's damage: 20

Attack 2: Dark Pulse

Attack 2's effect: Flip three coins. This attack does 30 damage for each heads.

Attack 2's damage: 30x

Pokemon Description: This Darkrai was captured by the eliter Trainer, [Dark]..

Type: Dark

Type of pokemon(Example:Diving pokemon): Voided Pokemon

Height(Example:1'.04"): 6' 8''

Weight(Example:13.2 lbs.): 130 lbs.

Weakness: Fighting

Weakness Damage(+10,+20,+30 or +40): +30

Resitance: Psychic

Resitance Damage(-10,-20,-30 or -40): -40

Retreat Cost: 3

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Name: Twilight's Jirachi

Level: 5

Evoloution(Base,Stage 1 or Stage 2): Base

Hp: 80

What Pokedex number you want it to be: #385

Attack 1: Doom Desire

Attack 1's effect: Draw one card from your discard pile.

Attack 1's damage: 60

Attack 2: Metal Wave

Attack 2's effect: Decrease all of your opponent's Pokemon's HP by 10.

Attack 2's damage: 10

Pokemon Description: A Pokemon of star's and lights. Founded by Twilight in the valley of Dreams.

Type: Psychic

Type of pokemon(Example:Diving pokemon): Wish Pokemon

Height(Example:1'.04"): 1' 6''

Weight(Example:13.2 lbs.): 45 lbs.

Weakness: Fire

Weakness Damage(+10,+20,+30 or +40): +10

Resitance: Normal

Resitance Damage(-10,-20,-30 or -40): -10

Retreat Cost: 2

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