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Projects 1 & 2 -[Inferno + Fossil]-

The Ruby

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Pidgeotto Inferno = Epic Win :)


Fantastic work again :D I'd love to see what you make of Entei Inferno ^_^


I know which i'm infernizing next =D

And Thanks ^_^


:cry:' date=' my fav's are the fossil's



Dat wuz a compliment on da fossils. >.>


I meant Infernos >.<


Just popping in again' date=' and i gotta say, THIS IS LOOKING AWESOME SO FAR! I mean, you only added a few evo lines, and it looks great! I want wait to see when you complete the pokedex (if you complete it)!



Thanks, so much ^_^

and I will complete it, I promise that ;)

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