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New Zombie Deck 1.0

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This is NOT a synchro deck

This IS a zombie deck with synchro monsters

As a random rant: synchro decks do not work

Decks with synchro monsters as a backup do


Extra Deck:

Revived King Ha Des x2

Doomkaiser Dragon x1

Iron Chain Dragon x2

Stardust Dragon x2

Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

Red Dragon Archfiend x1



Spirit Reaper x1

Pyramid Turtle x3

Zombie Master x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x2

Armageddon Knight x1

Ryu Kokki x3

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1

Mezuki x3

Vampire's Curse x1



Monster Reborn x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Heavy Storm x1

Book Of Life x3

Burial From A Different Dimension x1

Shrink x3

Fissure x1

Card Of Safe Return x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x1



Torrential Tribute x1

Karma Cut x1

Raigeki Break x1

Zoma The Spirit x1

Kunai With Chain x1

Dust Tornado x1

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The Deck technically is a Synchro Deck but it's a Zombie Synchro Deck.


I think you need some better Synchro Monsters. Goyo Guardian (if you can get them). I dont like Iron Chain Dragon in here since too many Decks these days love the Graveyard. Basically, the mill effect of Iron Chain Dragon helps too many Decks so dont bother with it. I would drop Zoma and Kunai for 2 more Raigeki Breaks or drop the Raigeki Break, Zoma and Kunai for a set of Phoenix Wing Wind Blast or Compulsory Evacuation Device. Compulsory Evacuation Device is an efficient way of removing Synchros (Stardust in particular) from the field.


I dont like Karma Cut's limited range so I would probably lose it for a Smashing Ground. Threatening Roar is also something to think about since it stops Gladiator Beasts from attacking and in turn stopping them from tagging out. It can also buy you a turn since it protects you from attacks.


You could always ignore my advice and build the Deck in BlueThunder's Sig.

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