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ZES Red (the guy with multiple accounts)

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There is this annoying guy on YF with multiple accounts his name is Zach his username is ZES so the team at YF decided to make joke cards about him and they told me to put them on here.

Here is a chat with me,Zach and J.P its back to front so you have to read from bottom to top:


27 Aug 07, 09:29

dragons-4-lyfe: okay wtf

27 Aug 07, 09:27

J.P Alias Wateva: 1<(>o<)>: I has the keyblade!

27 Aug 07, 09:27

dragons-4-lyfe: im poor

27 Aug 07, 09:26

J.P Alias Wateva: (>o_o)> ¬<(^^<): Jus give meh the money

27 Aug 07, 09:25

dragons-4-lyfe: -_-

27 Aug 07, 09:22

J.P Alias Wateva: i chain to his card with Serial ban (effect - This can only be activated on someone with multiple accounts. This person's next account will be banned before they finish typing in their name)

27 Aug 07, 09:21

dragons-4-lyfe: now begone bug i play this card! mystical washing machine

27 Aug 07, 09:20

dragons-4-lyfe: we bug you because well your a bug

27 Aug 07, 09:19

ZES red: please stop bugging me

27 Aug 07, 09:18

J.P Alias Wateva: A. Annoying B. Multiple Accounts C. Seems to think the way he acts is likeable

27 Aug 07, 09:17

ZES red: yeh every one gives me a hard time

27 Aug 07, 09:17

dragons-4-lyfe: why does everyone hate this guy

27 Aug 07, 09:16

ZES red: oww god im saying i neaver bug him oy shut up

27 Aug 07, 09:16

J.P Alias Wateva: no one cares Zachy

27 Aug 07, 09:15

ZES red: and he has this problem with him he has disphracsia

27 Aug 07, 09:15

J.P Alias Wateva: i no that, but I feel sorry for the guy

27 Aug 07, 09:14

ZES red: no even ask him hes my frend i new him 4 years but im not dum to him because i go school with him

27 Aug 07, 09:14

J.P Alias Wateva: poor Luncher XD

27 Aug 07, 09:13

ZES red: i wish my best frend was on healthylunch

27 Aug 07, 09:13

J.P Alias Wateva: =D

27 Aug 07, 09:12

ZES red: oww :cry:

27 Aug 07, 09:12

dragons-4-lyfe: because your a freaking wannabe admin guy who hates CMA

27 Aug 07, 09:12

J.P Alias Wateva: Well ZES.. it's not me... it's you. I just got out of a very serious, commited, hate-hate situation with someone else, and I just need some time to... oh who am I kidding I jus don't like you

27 Aug 07, 09:10

ZES red: why

27 Aug 07, 09:10

J.P Alias Wateva: um... no

27 Aug 07, 09:09

ZES red: hey wateva cinder hates me will you be my frend

27 Aug 07, 09:08

J.P Alias Wateva: hey there dudes, what is crackin G? etc etc insert more bad gangster talk here etc



Serial Ban

Spell-Quick play

Effect- This card can only be activated on Someone with multiple accounts. This persons next account will be banned before they finish typing in their name.


Mystical Washing Machine

Spell- Quick Play

Effect- Discard one card in your hand, select and remove from play a LV 4 or lower monster. 3 turns after the activation of this card ,special Summon the selected monster to your side of the field.




Effect- A monster Equiped with this card can attack all of your opponents monsters. This card is destroyed after the activation of this card.


Spam Fighter




Effect-This card may attack twice during the same battle phase. If you attack more than once during a battle phase this card is destroyed on your next stand-by phase.




Spam Monk




Effect- Flip: inflict 300 points of damage for every card in your hand.




Spam Knight




Effect- This card may attack twice in the same battle phrase. If this card attack twice this card is destroyed on your end phrase.

ATK: 1800

DEF: 1000






Effect- Put one spam counter (max:5) on this card for every card with "Spam" in the card name that is sent to the graveyard. Remove 5 spam counters from this card to attack 4 times during the same battle phrase during the turn you removed the spam counters.








Effect-Tribute this face-up card to special summon two monsters with "Spam" in their card name from your hand.







Effect- Tribute this face-up card to special summon two monsters with "Spam" in their card name from the graveyard.







Fusion: "Spammoner" + "Spamancer"

Effect- Once per turn you can switch the attribute of this card to light. Depending on this cards attribute, this card gets the following effects:

*Light: send face-up one spam monster on your side of the field to special summon 3 spam monsters from your hand.

*Dark: remove from play one spam monster from your graveyard to special summon 3 spam monsters from your graveyard.






Effect: pay half your life points, Special summon as much monsters with "Spam" in their name from the graveyard.


Spam of the Haunted


Effect:Select 1 spam monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When the monster is destroyed select another spam monster.


Spam Castle


Effect: Each Face-up "Spam Monster" gains 300 ATK. Each time a monster (s) is normal summoned or set put one counter on this card. If you tribute summon a "spam" monster, you can substitute this card for a tribute (s), if the number of counters is equal to or greater than the number of required tribute (s).


Spam Chain


Activate this card only when a monster attacks twice this turn. Gain 500 lifepoints for each monster that attacked twice.


Spam Blade


A "Spam" monster equipped to this card decreases it's ATK by 500. The "Spam" monster cannot be destroyed by it's own effect.


Spam Dragon



Effect: This card cannot be normal summoned or set, this card can only be special summoned by tributing 3 or more face-up "Spam" monsters. When this card is special summoned successfully destroy as much cards on the field up to the amount of "spam" monsters used to summon this monster.



more coming...

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Spamage doesn't have any Atk or Def.



Wow, I actually kinda like these cards. The Double attackers have a very high Atk, but they get destroyed, so it's pretty fair.

Overall I like em', although I didn't read the little conversation (too hard for me to read ^^)

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I have all sorts of ideas for other spam monsters/spells/traps... (visualizes Spam Castle, Spam Chain, Spam From the MultiAccounters, etc.) :twisted:


Anyway, I'm almost certain I could find/make a picture of any of these cards.

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