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Mega-God Fill in the Blank Contest


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This card cannot be special summoned. This card can only be activated by a flip summon. Once this card is activated you must remove three Zombie-type monsters from your graveyard from play. This monster cannot be the direct target of a spell card. Increase the attack of this card by 200 for every Zombie type monster in your graveyard. Decrease the attack of this card by 200 for every monster with the Light attribute in your opponent's graveyard.



This card cannot be special summoned. This card can only be activated by a flip summon. Once this card is activated you must remove three Pyro-type monsters from your graveyard from play. This card can attack your opponent's lifepoints directly, but during the end phase of the turn this card attacks directly decrease its attack by 1000 until your next stand-by phase.



This card cannot be special summoned. This card can only be activated by a flip summon. Once this card is activated you must remove three Aqua-type monsters from your graveyard from play. As soon as this card is activated destroy any field spell cards on the field, and all face up spell cards. This card cannot be attacked by a monster with more than 3000 attack points.

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umm... here goes.

NOTE: i cam up with all the names by myself, except for the Oceanus, i think its the name of a greek god or somethin.


Arziath: The Fusion Material Monsters for this card are 3 or more EARTH-attribute monsters. This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion nor by the effect of "Future Fusion". The ATK and DEF of this monster is equal to the combined ATK of the fusion material monsters. Every standby phase, decrease the attack of this card by 700 for every fusion material monster used. This card is unaffected by trap cards.


Sinistralos: This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Awakening of the Divine Fire Dragon". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. Every standby phase, inflict 600 points of direct damage to your opponent's lifepoints for every FIRE attribute monster offered by the effect of "Awakening of the Divine Fire Dragon". This card is unaffected by spell cards.


Awakening:This card is used to Ritual Summon "Divine Dragon of Fire - Sinistralos". You must offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand, and 2 or more FIRE attribute monsters from your hand or field.


Oceanus: This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned by offering 3 or more WATER attribute monsters while "Umi" is face up on the field, or by the effect of this card. If the card exists in the graveyard, you can special summon it by sending 1 "Umi" from your field to your graveyard. Every standby phase, for every WATER attribute monster in your graveyard, increase your lifepoints by 300 points. This card is unaffected by monster effects other then its own. If "Umi" is on the field, this card cannot be destroyed by card effects.


so, what do you think?

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The Effect of Divine Serpent is harder to read so hear it is:

This card cannot be normal summoned or set ecepet by tributing one "Terra Necros Demon" and one "Flame Steel Metal Dragon" add the sum of the 2 cards Divided in half and gain the total for your ATK and DEF. Gain 400 LifePoints for every card this card destroys. Discard your hand, Sacrafice all monsters on your side of the field (except this card), and loose 2000 LifePoints to summon 2 Demon-Type monsters to the field.

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okay sorry i forgot to announce winners yesterday. xD



1st Place Winner: Elsandero


2nd Place Winner: Sulker



you two both had very fair cards that had great names, and i liked the effects. rscrash, you may have placed, but they were just too hard to summon for a mediocre effect, but whatev. xD


so elsandero will be receiving 500 and 2 reps, and Sulker will be receiving 200 points and 1 rep.


thanks to all who entered,



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