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Neos Wiseman Turbo (Deck Contest)

EHERO Andrew

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Ok. I got 3 Neos Wisemans in the Sneek Preview and I wanted to make a Neos Wiseman (NW) deck out of it. Now, NW must be present in the hand in order to summon him, so I need ideas to keep drawing until I get a NW in my hand and be able to summon him at the same turn.


The following cards must be included:

EH Neos

EH Stratos


Phantom of Chaos

Neos Wiseman

Mystic Tomato

Limit Reverse (easy to bring out Phantom or Yubel from the grave)



1st place - 20 pts

2nd place - 15 pts

3rd place - 10 pts


Think real hard and good luck

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3 Elemental Hero Neos

3 Yubel

2 Phantom of Chaos

3 Elemental Hero Prisma

2 Neos Wise Man

3 Mystic Tomato

3 Armageddon Knight

1 Elemental Hero Stratos



2 Foolish Burial

2 E - Emergency Call

3 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Hand Destruction

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 O- Oversoul

1 Reasoning



3 Reckless Greed

1 Limit Reverse

1 Torrential Tribute



1 Grand Neos

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Thought Ruler Archfiend

3 Goyo Guardian

3 Magical Android

2 Gladiator Beast fusions.


Dump them both in the grave and assume there names. Foolish and Arma's to dump Yubel, Prisma can dump Neos and become it. E and Rota to search Stratos to continue Searching. Single copy of Reasoning to get out a random Neos or Yubel. Synchros and Glad fusions for the Reborn/Brain situation, Grand Mole so Neos can be used. Also summonable in the Brain / Reborn combo possibly Dark Neos instead.


Hand Destruction should be sending in hand Yubels and Neoss to the graveyard to be removed for Phantom later. Reckless to help with more draw.


/editted in Limit Reverse.


Also you did not say i could not include Foolish Burial in your first post.

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monsters 20: 20 (* tribute monsters)


EH neos x2*

EH stratos

Yubel x2*

phantom chaos x2

Neos wise man x2*

Mystic tomatos x3

EH prisma x3

armageddon knight x3

krebons x2


Spells: 18

brain control

monster reborn

trade ins x2


instant fusion x2

reinforcement of the army x3

heavy storm

hand destruction x3

fake hero x2

emergency teleport x2


traps: 2

limit reverse x2


extra deck: 15

Grand neos

reaper on the nightmare x2

darkfire dragon x2

level 3 fusion x2

goyo guardian x2

stardust x2

red dragon archfiend x2

black rose dragon x2


Might work. I can only be sure if I tesed it my self. But its a fast pace deck that can be fast for you. and if you have to wait, you have krebons/teleports. Try it out!

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Lets see if this can work.


Extra Deck: 15


1x Elemental Hero Grand Neos (something to reveal with Prisma) OR any Neos Fusion

3x Stardust Dragon

3x Goyo Guardian

3x Thought Ruler Archfiend

3x Black Rose Dragon (if you have it) if not 3x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos


Monsters: 21


2x Neos Wiseman (3 will probably give dead draws)

3x Elemental Hero Neos

3x Yubel

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

3x Elemental Hero Prisma

3x Armageddon Knight

3x Mystic Tomato

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Sangan


Spells: 12


3x E - Emergency Call

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Card of Safe Return

2x O - Oversoul

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute (Mirror Force isn't that great in this format)

3x Limit Reverse

3x Solemn Judgment OR 3x Dark Bribe OR 3x Bottomless Trap Hole OR anything along those lines.


Total Size: 40 + Extra Deck

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I cant accept this deck bc I don't have any CCV or Foolishes. And you forgot Limit Reverse.


Bolded=Unfair reasons


Not to burst your bubble or anything' date=' but you can't give out more than 3 reps per person for a deck contest according to the rules =/


Offer points as prizes instead



No, you can give out six. Actually, JoC never really established a limit.

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