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Dark Nephthys Return??


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I just wanted to do SOMETHING with that playset of Dark Nephthys sitting in my folder and gaining dust. So, I'm probably doing this wrong but I just threw it together out of what I could find in my collection. Suggestions?


Monsters: 20

3 Dark Nephthys

3 Dark Horus


2 Dekoichi

2 Mystic Tomato

2 Armageddon knight

2 Necro Gardna

2 D.D. Crow

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Breaker the Magical Pwnerer

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 12

3 Allure of Darkness

3 Trade-In

2 D.D.R.

1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm


Traps: 8

3 Solemn Judgment

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Return From the Different Dimension


I don't have any Mask of Darkness right now- I would like to drop Dekoichis, add Masks and Reckless Greeds. But for now, Deko makes fuel for Nephthys, and is backed up by monster removal for some cheeky 1400 pokes (tehe)

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why are you not using d.d scout plane and grepher?


22| Monsters


2| Dark Nephthys

2| Dark Creator ( works better than d Horus )

2| Destiny Hero - Plasma ( If You Can Swarm The Field, this will be your best Friend )

3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

1| Caius the Shadow Monarch ( not Sure If U need )


3| Dark Grepher

1| Eemental Hero Stratos

3| D.D. Scout Plane

2| Plaguespreader Zombie ( depending whether you want to play synchros )

2| D.D. Crow

1| Phantom Of Chaos


14| Spells


2| Card Of Safe Return

3| Army

3| Allure

2| Destiny Draw

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

2| Trade-in


6| Traps


1| Torrential Tribute

1| Return From The Different Dimension

3| Solemn Judgment / deck devastation Virus

1| Crush Card / Icarus Attack

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I would be inclined to use something more like your build, pyramid, had I the cards to make it -.-


Would you really run scout plane at 3? Sure, its constant re-usable fuel for nephthys and dark creator, but I hate how it has to come back in the end phase in attack mode with the word "target" plastered all over it.

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