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card slide show,like one card after another?no effect like a .gif? if so i think theres a tut for that but here is how:

make new layers equal to how many pictures you want

put the picture you want to show up in each layer.

save as .gif and set the frame rate(i suggest a low one so people have time to see it.i recommend 1,000ms+so it takes about 10 seconds to go to the next one)

set as continuous unless you want it to end at the last card.it will stop showing anything after the last card.

i haven't tested this but it might work.

to add effects,just stick a effect frame between every card from,like opening 2 GIMP screens,open one card,open another in a new later,lower opacity so the first card fades into the second card,copy that picture and paste it between the frame to make it look like the first card fades into the next,but this will force you to set the speed at somewhere around 100ms so you have to make 10 frames showing the same card in order to make the fade effect look good,i suggest you make 3 frames for the effect(75 opacity,50 opacity,and 25 opacity and the next frame will be the new card.)

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yeah,i found out you can make it run at 50ms so you just make 20 layers of the same card,3 layers with (card effect),20 layers of the next card,repeat.

(card effect) can be different,you can open both of the cards,paste them in one picture with the second card to pop-up at the top layer,set the top layers opacity to 25,then repeat with 50 and 75 the next before going to 100 opacity.you can also do that with filters,lets say you want it to blur to the next card so heres what you do:

1.open the card and duplicate the layer about 3-4 should be good duplicate 19 times before doing step 2.

2.go to around 3-4(depends on how many non-19 layers you made in the last step) layers before the last layer and go to filters>blur>gaussian blur,and set it to a low setting.

3.go to the next layer above and increase it a bit,repeat with about 2-3 more layers before going to step 4.

4.now we have to make it slowly blur to the next card,open the next card in a new window and repeat steps 1-3 but remember to open the card and paste it in the previous window you were working on with around 23-24 layers in a new layer.

5.save as .gif>don't flatten the image!save as animation>set the speed to 50ms and make sure that you check the box saying to use the above speed for all layers.

i know sounds confusing but i will make one and then save it to your desktop and open it in GIMP as a .gif to see what i did with the layers.

here is an example(looks ugly because it's only 2 cards and i forgot to make it slowly fade back into the first card:3326j3m.gif


of course,you can lower the speed to 70-80 if yours has more things to read.

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in case you want to try the blur,if you want another filter just ask me and i will make a basic template for you:


how i did:


4 frames of blur

1st blur:5,2nd:10,3rd:15,4th:20

20 frames of normal cards.

played at 50ms

last 4 frames were used to make it look like a cycle.

some others i suggest experimenting with filters:

distort>blinds(make the blinds bigger until to moves to the next card

distort>whirl and pinch(whirl and unwhirl to the next card,or super pinch and un-pinch)

distort>ripple(ripple until it's very rippled then slowly make it less ripple until next card is visible.

and tons more(experiment.)

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