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Dragon World RP


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You just have the world of dragons. Life here is very different here than on other places, & you have your very own dragon sprit. You battle other dragon sprit keepers & their dragon. You gain EXP if you win, & lose some if you lose.

Here's the form & your portal to the dragon realm






Dragon name:

Dragon Height:

Dragon age:


Dragon Appearance:


Here's mine:

Name: Mike Delaney


Height: 5'2

Weight: 167 lbs.

Bio: Mike is a guy who found his way to the dragon realm by opening a spell book & saying a teleport spell by accident. Mike now is confused & says he dosen't want to know how he got here.

Dragon Name: Rollen

Dragon height(From 50'2 to 78 ft. tall): 59'11

Dragon age(One year is 1000 years for a dragon): 5000(5 Years)

Appearance: http://ysanau.deviantart.com/art/Concrete-Wall-80531171

Dragon Appearance: Dragon

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Name: Robbie

Age: 10

Height: (I'm copying my real life self, and I'm not sure, but I think about 4"4 1/2)

Weight: (I'm copying my real life self, and I'm not sure, but I think about 60-70)

Bio: A smart, honest, and caring kid with a bit of a temper. A little shy.

Dragon name: Hikaru

Dragon Height: (A little shorter than the him)

Dragon age: 6

Appearance: 2dbe80.png

Dragon Appearance: Sakuyamonc.png (The dragon next to the girl)

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Name: Sykes (Never properly presents his last name)

Age: Has never properly presented his age, but looks to be around 28-34

Height: 6ft

Weight: 175

Bio: Sykes has been in the dragons world ever since he was 3 years old. He has trained for this battle for a long time. Sykes traditionally wields a gunblade whenever he goes into battle. However, when fused with his dragon he takes on a new weapon form...

Dragon name: Edge

Dragon Height: Smallest: 8ft Tallest: 85ft can re-size himself to anywhere between 8 and 85ft

Dragon age: 453,064



Dragon Appearance:





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Aren't you forgetting someone?


Name: Rokujo Miharu

Age: 17

Height: 6' 5"

Weight: 115 lb.

Bio: Not much is known about Rokujo, because he was always a certain boy that doesn't fits in with people.

Dragon name: Twilighjt Daimond of the Darkness, Rokuro the Forsakened

Dragon Height: 70' 13"

Dragon age: 666 Millenium old



Dragon Appearance:

(Will post soon)

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i likes this [and dragons






Bio:Tommy is a small guy and believes he will become a dragon master some day. He luvz computers very much.

Dragon name:Since i get called Shrty his name is [shorty.Jr]

Dragon Height:Not tall

Dragon age:6 months

Appearance:post latr ok

Dragon Appearance:post latr k

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Name: Ron

Age: 16

Height: 5'

Weight: 100 lbs.

Bio: A boy who grew up in the Dragon World, he was trained to fight with Long, a nine-headed dragon that absorbed energy by eating stuff. He used Long to assume full control over his village, and wishes to rule the world with Long as his 'safety insurance'. He believes himself to be the Dragon King.

Dragon name: Long, the Infernal Dragon

Dragon Height: It is many times larger than Ron.

Dragon age: Long has been around forever.

Appearance: geki-vi-ron.jpg

Dragon Appearance: geki-vi-mugenryu.jpg

Other: Ron primarily rests atop Long's main head during battles.

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