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My first Card Made (please rate) (UPDATED)


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OCG Errors:


this -> This

atk -> ATK

dark -> Dark


Overpowered, Why?

You can base your whole deck around this monster's effect causing him to have over 10,000 ATK points.


Picture - Blurry (try to find a better one or get someone to fix one up into a better quality for you)


Other Problems - It's an attachment, I recommend changing it to a IMG Tag asap

(Punishment = Ban by Mod).


Rating: 2/10

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how are you meant to get the card to show up without an attachment ( i don't know how because i am new)

p.s. Its not overpowered it only gains atk from dark monsters. i once saw a card (in real cards) that gained 400 points for every card removed from play (then the whole pooint of that deck is to get it to maybe 20,000). that is what i call "overpowered"

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