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|~|Game Zone|~| Now Opened!!!!

Code Y.C.M

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[align=center]Game Zone



[spoiler=Open Hours]






When Closed you can make requests' date=' when it is Open again, i will seek to the most important request, and simplest, to do first.

btw dont make the requests like how the game looks like, cause those makers are pro's and i am not too good just yet!!!





Everthing is half price to the first 2 days!!!!!!!






Rise of the Killers




[spoiler=Code Y.C.M - Main Boss]

Username: Code Y.C.M

Avatar: None

Sig: None

Skills: Game Designing, Animation Designing

NickName: Bamchica

Example of Skill: Look in Items






[spoiler=Flash Game]

Made by: Code Y.C.M

Price: 10>100 Points

Additional Stuff: Music, Sound Effects, Add:10 Points per Music, Sound







[spoiler=Large Animation]

Made by: Code Y.C.M

Price:10>100 Points

Additional Stuff:Music, Sound Effects, Add:10 Points per Music, Sound








[spoiler=Order Form]

[spoiler=Flash Game]



Character Body:

Other Character's Body:

Music Name:

Sound Link:


Any Other:





[spoiler=Large Animation]



Character Description:

Other Character Descriptions:

Music Link:

Sound Link:


Any Other:









[spoiler=Form Help]

Music Link: A link to what music you would like in your Game or Animation

Sound Link: A Link to what Sound Effect you would like in your Game or Animation

Genre: Horror, Action, Comedie

Theme: Halloween, Christmas, Easter, None

Length:1>120 secs

Images:Any images you would like to display in your Animation or Game

Character Description: What the main Character looks like in your Game or Animation

Other Character Descriptions: What any other Character's look like in your Game or Animation

Title: Title of your Game or Animation {Shown or not Shown}

Ideas: Anything you would like in your Game or Animation, that is simple about the game itself.

Any Other: Anything you want to happen, Ex. make a character move in a certain way, gravity, normal, Hover, Drag. etc.

I hope this will make the Forms more understandable by readers





[spoiler=Waiting List]














Example of Skill:


Please Enjoy this Shop' date=' as it will hopefully be my best shop so far.


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I'll be the lucky customer! Could you PM the game to me please?


I don't really have the things to with the order form, but...


Call It "Rise Of The Killers".

You are a human with a sword / staff / bow, and there are multiple monsters attacking you, and you've got to defend yourself, until the end of the level, then you go to level two.

Make it sorta scary aswell :D


Oh, and a zombie-type game, where the monsters rise up from the ground!

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I'll be the lucky customer! Could you PM the game to me please?


I don't really have the things to with the order form' date=' but...


Call It "Rise Of The Killers".

You are a human with a sword / staff / bow, and there are multiple monsters attacking you, and you've got to defend yourself, until the end of the level, then you go to level two.

Make it sorta scary aswell :D


Oh, and a zombie-type game, where the monsters rise up from the ground!



hmmm, ill try it!!!!


i will pm it to you, when it is finished, and it will be free aswell ^ ^

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Title: Rise Of The Ninja Clan

Ideas: A big war between red ninja's and Blue Ninjas

Character Description:Both have red bandanna's and blue bandannas

Other Character Descriptions: I want some 1v1 action and swords and awsome flipping!

Music Link: none

Sound Link: None

Images: Have none...

Any Other: no

Theme: Fighting

Genre: action


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Title:Broken Chambers

Ideas:Police chase of Gangsters broken out of jail(The gangsters are on hoverboards and police are coming after you and you have to get to the hideout.)

Character Description:Gangsters with Weapons(You can choose them)

Other Character Description:They are on Hoverboards and some killing action!

Music Link:none

Sound link:None

Images:Not too good at drawing...

Theme:Scary Halloween


Length:1 minute on the hoverboard chase.


Thank you very much.

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Title: Bowser's Revenge

Ideas: Bowser is versing a swarm of Mario's and he has to kill them with either his: Fire, Body Slam or Spikes.

Character Body: Bowser Spirte

Other Character's Body: Mario Sprite

Music Name: N/A

Sound Link: N/A

Image: If you mean BackGround, just a flamy one.

Any Other: Make it 5 levels, last one being the boss.

Length: N/A


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Flash Game :D I want 1 :-)


Title:The Gladiators vs Evil Heroes

Ideas: Gladiator Beast Heraklinos vs Evil Hero Malicious Fiend

Character Body: Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Other Character's Body:Evil Hero Malicious Fiend

Music Name:

Sound Link:Uhh something scary sounding

Image: Black Bacground

Any Other: A big area i have some weapons to kill malicious fiend

Length: ehh 5 levels?

Genre:Horror sorta & Adventure

Thnx :D

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