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{NC} Presents - Showcase Game - Mysterymonz


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Im not sure if i should post this in games or not but what i do is a post a darkened picture of a pokemon or digimon per day and you have to guess what it is, each time i'll give a clue and people have to guess, 1 person can only guess once and if you get it right you cannot solve any until the next day :)


I'll start easy:

[spoiler=Mysterymon 1, SOLVED]


This digimon defeated Chimeramon and was 1 of the digidestined's partner digimon?



[spoiler=Mysterymon 2, SOLVED]


This pokemon or digimon was born in a lab from the dna of another. It is psychic and ther is only 1 of them.



[spoiler=Mysterymon 3, UNSOLVED]


I am the staright out strongest digimon but never, ever appear, only when the digiworld cannot in 1 single way handle without me



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Thanks for your input Chaotix' date=' but this is a Showcase thing, you see, games go and on and on, in this you have to always look at the first page again instead of just seeing whta the person above you has said.


JOV1, you have got the 1st one, i will post another



In showcase, you put graphical creations. What you're explaining is a temporary game. This does belong in games ^_^

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