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[Chaotix] Graphix Zone {Closed}


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OK, I got the render

Render: http://i486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/JoviSiagian/RenderedMasterKCatmaster-2.png

Style: I have no idea, just pick something that fits the pic

Text: In the upper left hand corner: disturbing and underneath that w00t

Size: if the examples are size small then I'll take size small

Color Scheme: Normal

Matching Avi: no

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Do you take order now? And I can order something from the shop I work for, can't I? If you do and I can, I want a signature please.

[spoiler=[b]Provided Render:[/b]]Rendered.png


Style: Whatever, just don't use Standard Style and the style you used for my Jack and Yusei sig. I want this look different.

Text: Jovi Siagian OR J0V1 S14G14N, whichever you want.

Sub Text: Long ago in the past......

Size: 400 x 150

Color Scheme: Whichever you think good.

Matching Avi: No


Oh, may I ask you to add Sub-Text to my Jack and Yusei signature you made? If you can, I want you to add "......and far away in the future". I'll pay more for this.


So how much is the total?


Thanks in advance.

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I knwo about that i still want the sig and then i'll order the wallpaper is this ok?




People, if you are wondering why you haven't got your orders yet, it is because I haven't had any time >.<


I'm afraid to say that this shop will close temporarily now. Because of my exams, I'm not getting any time to fill in these orders. I will get back to them as soon as I can, but until then, we are closed. When I return, all your orders will be made free ^_^

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11 days from now? So that means on 24th November? So you're gonna re-open Booster Zone on that date?


EDIT: Wow' date=' your current points when I posted this was 6666! Evil Number!



Correct. Booster Zone will re-open, with 12 new items, never seen before on YCM ^_^


PM me if you want more details ;)

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I knwo about that i still want the sig and then i'll order the wallpaper is this ok?




People' date=' if you are wondering why you haven't got your orders yet, it is because I haven't had any time >.<


I'm afraid to say that this shop will close temporarily now. Because of my exams, I'm not getting any time to fill in these orders. I will get back to them as soon as I can, but until then, we are closed. When I return, all your orders will be made free ^_^




oh well, your sigs are the best so its worth the wait

and I already payed

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