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[Chaotix] Graphix Zone {Closed}


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Can I be added to the waiting list?


Provide Render Here: 2zz020n.png

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): I don't really know the different styles, so just choose something good for me! I'd like the background to have some dead trees!

Text?: No

Sub Text?: No

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Medium

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Purple and Black

Matching Avi?: Yes please!

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I'll take a shot at the Duel Monster Cards thing.




Do I still need to pay extra? Or will you do it for free since I gave you a lot of points on the last order? I don't really care, either way.

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A rendered pic plz :)


Pic. to be rendered: http://www.narutopictures.biz/pics/naruto-three-tails.jpg


Then I nead a sig with that render


Color Scheme:You decide

Pic.: http://s486.photobucket.com/albums/rr228/JoviSiagian/?action=view&current=RenderedNaruto-2.png

Text:The Ulimate (Plz fix any pelling errrs)

Sube text:None

Style:You decide :)


Maching Avi:Shure, if it will look good :)


Thx, how much do I owe you?

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Provide Render Here: SynthieaRendered.png

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): Anything good.

Text?: Synthiea

Sub Text?: Teh Sm3xy Slave

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Medium

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Purple and Pink

Matching Avi?: Yes please.

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konnie5400 and「Synthiea」's Order have been done. Both haven't paid. I will PM the order right away. Cost: 3 points.


If you think my renders look bad, you can ask me to re-do it for free. Also, tell me why they look bad. I'm still a beginner, I need more improvements. I hope Chaotix agrees with me.


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Provide Render Here: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g238/Teh_Huffdaddy/Sigs/tuts/gaara1.jpg

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^):You pick!


Sub Text?:(Nothing in here)

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Medium

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Black

Matching Avi?:Dont have Avi

Sig Please, When your done Pm me the sig and I will give you the points

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Image That Needs to be Rendered: http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u266/th3ph03nixclaw/Phoenix.jpg


Then sig


Provide Render Here: that image who you will render

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): something that looks good.

Text?: NaEoS_oWn-08

Sub Text?: No sub text

Size (Small, Medium or Large): medium

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Normal

Matching Avi?: Yes.

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I want to get a sig but I'm not sure if I need a render first. If I do I'll buy a render as well.


Style: I have no idea, just pick something that fits the pic

Text: In the upper left hand corner: disturbing and underneath that w00t

Size: if the examples are size small then I'll take size small

Color Scheme: Normal

Matching Avi: no

and this is the pic I'm not sure if I need a render, I probably do, here it is, make sure to get both mouths since thats the point of the whole thing

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Provide Render Here: http://media.photobucket.com/image/green%20snake/Z-Man-A/GreenTree.png?o=181

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): whatevva looks good

Text?: Master of Reptiles Kaibarawks

Sub Text?:

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Medium

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Normal

Matching Avi?: No

sig please.

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Grayall and MasterKCatmaster' date=' I'll do your orders after I'm back from school. For Grayall, it's 3 points and for MasterKCatmaster, it's 2 points.



do I pay you or Chaotix?


You pay J0V1.



WAITING LIST FULL!! ALL ORDERS PAST HERE WILL BE AUTO DENIED!! People who are on the list, you will get your sigs within 3 days.

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