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[Chaotix] Graphix Zone {Closed}


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Finally ordering form the best!


Provide Render(s) You Want on Your Wallpaper: http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/9/99/StardustDragonTDGS-EN-UR-1E.png

I'll give you an extra 100 if you make it a render. If not' date=' I'll find another picture.

What Type of Colors You Want: silver blue green

Extra Notes: None



Tiny pic = Very bad wallpaper.


I'm sorry Catman, but you'll have to find something a bit bigger, and preferably a render too.


Try www.planetrenders.net

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I really don't know much about renders' date='





Much better ^_^


But now I'm sure you want different colors than last time?

Sorry, I chose a different render, look back at my edited one (it's now the pokemon one, not the digimon render)

Red and white please, sorry this orrder must be a pain.

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I really don't know much about renders' date='





Much better ^_^


But now I'm sure you want different colors than last time?

Sorry, I chose a different render, look back at my edited one (it's now the pokemon one, not the digimon render)

Red and white please, sorry this orrder must be a pain.


Don't worry, its not ^_^ And I must go offline now, so your order will be done tomorrow =/

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Can you tell me what size the icons have to be?

And what you should save it as' date=' if you do need to save it as something?



THe icons are 32 x 32, but I can change the size to anything you desire ^_^


And I save them as icon files, so basically, I'll host them in a zip folder at megaupload, and I'll give you the download link ^_^

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Can you tell me what size the icons have to be?

And what you should save it as' date=' if you do need to save it as something?



THe icons are 32 x 32, but I can change the size to anything you desire ^_^


And I save them as icon files, so basically, I'll host them in a zip folder at megaupload, and I'll give you the download link ^_^


It's just, when i tried to set an image as an icon, i coultn't do it

should it be saved .icon? or what?

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Can you tell me what size the icons have to be?

And what you should save it as' date=' if you do need to save it as something?



THe icons are 32 x 32, but I can change the size to anything you desire ^_^


And I save them as icon files, so basically, I'll host them in a zip folder at megaupload, and I'll give you the download link ^_^


It's just, when i tried to set an image as an icon, i coultn't do it

should it be saved .icon? or what?


You need a special program ;)

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Provide Render Here: (will give it to you when my request is filled, as such I dont expect this is a hurry)

Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): your call


Sub Text?:none

Size (Small, Medium or Large):As examples

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Black

Matching Avi?: yes please


Good luck with the temp shop oh chaotic one XD

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' pid='1307202' dateline='1225632312']

wallpaper please

Provide Render(s) You Want on Your Wallpaper:RN.png



What Type of Colors You Want:shadowey and misty

Extra Notes:make it look good


I'll start work on this order when I get time ^_^


And p.s, It will always look good, so the bolded area is unnecessary =P

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Provide Render Here: I didn't know so i'm posting the still and the moving one ok?



Style (Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): Pick something good for me.

Text?: .:Digital Simplicity:.

Sub Text?: .:Digital Monsters:.

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Your standard size.

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Match the render.

Matching Avi?: Yes please.

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Sig Please:


Provide Render Here:f5bzbt.png

Style:(Say either Grunge, Standard, Smudge or I will pick something that looks good for you ^_^): Something that will look good with it

Text?: Monkeybuoy2

Sub Text?: none

Size (Small, Medium or Large): Large (preferably large enough that most of the monkey is in the sig)

Color Scheme (Normal, Black and White, Sepia etc.): Match the colors of the monkey

Matching Avi?: no thank you

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Name: J123

Render/Stock: ? Sorry I don't understand.

Text: You think you know?

(Picture) J123

You know nothing

Colour: Uhh background a darkish caramel colur please :-)

Matching Avi? : Ya! :-) Plz :-)

Picture same 1 in the member card you made 4 me :)


How much is that altogether?

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Can i please apply for a job here, i do gold sticker, holo and card recolor




If you accept these care the order froms / prices:


Gold Sticker: 1 Point

Card that needs a gold sticker:


Holo: 3 Points

Card that needs to be holoed:

Parts you want holoed:


Card Recolor: 2 Points

Card you want recolored:

Color of recolor:

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