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OMGawrsh, NOEZ

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Monsters (19):


2x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

2x Ryu Kokki

1x Il Blud


3x Zombie Master

3x Mezuki

3x Pyramid Turtle

2x Goblin Zombie

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar


Spells (14):

3x Zombie World

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Book of Life

1x Monster Reborn

2x Card of Safe Return

1x Giant Trunade

1x Cold Wave


Traps (7):

3x Solemn Judement

2x Bottomless Traphole

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force


It's my first Zombie Build. I hope you all approve. ;)

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Surely it makes more sense to run 3 Zombie World instead of 2 and 1 Terraforming? I know doing this helps minimize dead draws but s/t removal that your opponent is likely to side in for game 2 will bite you.


Oh and make sure you add Plaguespreader when it's released ;D


Other than that, I like it, it's a solid build.

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use the Patrician of Darkness card it lets you say which monster your oppenent attacks so if you combine it with Spirit Reaper they are in a lock' date=' giving you plenty of defense





Spirit Reaper would be targeted by Patrician's effect.




-1 Card Trooper

+1 Zombie Master

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no it won't the text states this

"The controller of this card selects the targets of their opponent's attacks."

it doesn't target the monster it simply wrests away the choose of who to attack from the opponent.


And yet' date=' it still phails.



Eh, hehe, point made. Regardless, I wasn't about to run Patrician of Darkness.

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