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Dark Armed Dragon / Buster

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Total : 41

Monsters : 21

3 Stardust Dragon / Buster

2 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Destiny Hero - Malicious


3 Buster Beast

2 Dark Grepher

2 Armageddon Knight

3 Krebons

3 Pleaguespreader Zombie


Spells : 13

3 Allure of Darkness

3 Emergency Teleport

2 Reinforcement of the Army

2 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps : 07

1 Crush Card Virus

3 Solemn Judgement

3 Buster Mode


Extra Deck : 15

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

2 Colossal Fighter

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 Dark End Dragon

3 Stardust Dragon

1 Black Rose Dragon

2 Goyo Guardian

2 Brionac, Dragon of the ice Boundary

1 Ally of Justice Catastor

1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Buster Teleport isn't needed since I can return SD/B in the deck by returning pleaguespreader zombie on the field followed by malicious.


The deck is weak to D.D. Crow but laugh at anything else.

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It looks very nice' date=' but i feel 2 grephers is too much. Neg 1 maybe?



Grepher can send Malicious and Pleaguespreader at the same time plus it is faster for Dark Armed Dragon what about cutting an armageddon knight instead?


-1 Buster Beast

+1 Arcane Filo?


The problem with arcane filo is that it uses my normal summon I'll stick with buster beast for the moment.

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Yes. PSZ will always send SDD/B to the top of your Deck, and on the next turn, you will wind up with a dead draw, that draw being SDD/B, unless you have another PSZ and/or extra draw power. This gives your opponent a huge chance to attack you. Since you're relying on PSZ, this will work all of three times, and you still have more SDD/B to end up as dead draws.

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Yes. PSZ will always send SDD/B to the top of your Deck' date=' and on the next turn, you will wind up with a dead draw, that draw being SDD/B, unless you have another PSZ and/or extra draw power. This gives your opponent a huge chance to attack you. Since you're relying on PSZ, this will work all of three times, and you still have more SDD/B to end up as dead draws.



flawed logic. say he has buster beast in his hand? say he has mali in grave with one in deck and 1 buster mode facedown? these stop the dead draw from happening.

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I want to fit Raigeki Breaks in there. I thought about something seeing the Hyper Psycho Gunner OTK. If you Break your own /Buster monster you get to special summon the other one from your graveyard. This combined with Stardust Dragon /Buster can inflict 5500 dmg. Not only this but Raigeki Break can destroy royal oppression and stuff that prevent special summons who can shut down the deck if played before I get Stardust out.

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