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Bleach Role Play: Rise of the Skeletal Angel |Ended| |Lock now!|

Chaotic Angel

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Ooc: DAM! Not again!!!


Tetsuo: *Another bunch of Menos appeared, but only about 100 this time* Well this is gonna piss of Zak and the rest of the gang...Shikai! *Jumps towards a menos, using his sonic drill on the mask, killing it. Then in mid air, he sharged uphis sword and swung it horizontally, which slashed at 7 other Menos*


92 menos


Tetsuo: Little help here?

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Tetsuo: *Chants spell* Lighting 16, Thunder blade! *Swings sword diagonally and slahes a few of the menos masks on bodies, killing a few and immobilising the others* Menos count: 72


Tetsuo: *Then flash steps at the other two that were immobilised and kils them as well, proceeded by anouthr spell* Lighting 62, Thunder Rage! (OoC: I'm making these up as i go along by the way, as i seriously cannot remember any of the spell thingies!) *Bosy is then charged up with electricity, which he then rushes towards 10 of the menos close together in a group, and as soon as he hit one of them with his Zanpakto, a massive lightning shockwave killed the other 9*


Menos count: 60

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