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Sonic: Nazo Unleashed


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Geez! I did my best' date=' could you atleast give me some good comments.


We cannot give you good coments because these arent good cards. Just switch the types to Beast-Warrior or something, change some regular cards to effects, Have good OCG, then badda bing badda boom

You got nice cards then you got good comments.

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What is "OCG" anyway. Besides, I don't really see any good effects to add. Not every card needs an effect you know. Then what's the use of having normal cards hunh!

For a beginner he is off to a good start but if you give good critism then it may be taken in better. Besides, he's only 12 and just getting started. You haven't seen nothing yet. Thankz for the comments.



A very good friend of Hiruke's, Trust me, there is more to come.

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Exactly there is no use for them.

OCG=Offical Card Grammar like how you spell the cards right.

and theryre plenty of effects to use. Nazo's really powerful so give him an effect.

Sonic runs fast right he can attack 2 times.

Tails is smart.

Knuckles is strong.

Shadow controls Space and Time.

If you want too see some good effects for these guys you might want to check the thread in my sig. But no copying

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