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Dark universe of chaos

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Way too many OCG Errors.


The Dark God of the Underworld effect should read something like:

Increase this card's ATK by 1000 for each Dark monster found in your Hand, Deck, Graveyard, Removed from Play and on your side of the field. (Use commas not '/')

This card is unaffected by the effects of any Spell, Trap or Monster cards (excluding itself).

The card should also have a starting value for it's atk and def, rather than just xxxx.


In the end this card is WAY overpowered. Start over ofc.

Suggestion: Give it 0/0 then give it a negative condiction to increase it's attack. Something like removing all Dark monster in your graveyard to increases it's ATK by 500 for each monster removed, when it is summoned. Then instead of unaffected by any effect, change it too can't be designated by any monster, spell or trap card effect. Then add the normal god effect, that if it special summoned from the graveyard it's destroyed during the end phase.


The Goddess of Death.

Need the same changes as mention above. Way to increase it's attack, with a negative effect. Have it so it can't be designated by effects, add the special summon from the graveyard rule. As for attacking directly... i would either keep it, and set it to that it does say... 2000 damage no matter whats its atk is or remove that it can attack directly and give it a different effect.



if you tl;dr... start over.

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