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pc synchro - first draft


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20| Monsters


3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

3| Destiny Hero - Dasher

2| Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys


3| Apprentice Magician

3| Night's End Sorcerer

2| Magical Exemplar

1| Breaker The Magical Warrior

1| Toon Toon Gemini Elf

1| Injection Fairy Lily

1| Hand of Nephthys


12| Spells


3| Magical Dimension

3| Toon Table of Contents

3| Destiny Draw

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon


8| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

2| Magician’s Circle

2| Threatening Roar

3| Solemn Judgment


15| Extra Deck


3| Stardust Dragon

3| Tempest Magician

3| Goyo Guardian

2| Red Dragon Archfiend

2| Colossal Fighter

2| Thought Ruler Archfiend

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