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The Legendary Reapers


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Here are the ultimate darkness creatures:








The effect for King of Dead Crusaders is: This card can only be speical summoned from you hand by removing from play 1 monster in you hand, 1 on the field and 1 in the graveyard. Remove from play all cards in you hand to destroy all monsters, spell or trap cards on the opponent's field then you can attack the opponent directly with half it's attack points. This card isn't effected by spells trap or monster effects.


The effect for Watcher of Shouded Graveyard: This card can only be speical summoned from you hand by removing from play 1 monster in you hand, 1 on the field and 1 in the graveyard. This cards attack points are equal to how meny monster cards are removed from play x1000 and it's defence points are equal to how meny monsters are in the graveyard x1000. When this card attacks destroy all monsters on the opponents field with equal or less than this cards attack points. This card isn't effected by spells trap or monster effects.


The effect of Angel of Lost Souls: This card can only be speical summoned from you hand by removing from play 1 monster in you hand, 1 on the field and 1 in the graveyard. This cards attack and dfence points are equal to how meny cards in your deck x100. When this card is in your graveyard speical summon it to the field, then the opponent must discard all there hand to the graveyard and draw the same amount of cards they had originally then destroy cards on the opponents field equal to the amount of cards discarded. This card isn't effected by spells trap or monster effects.


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