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Ocean Creek (R) (Started but more Applicants needed)


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Tony: Man, what is taking her?


Then he sees the two girls riding the nearest escalator. They walk up to him.


Tony: Jeez Mel! I was waiting for almost a half hour; where'd you guys go??


Mel: Sorry hun! We were coming here until we passed Hot Topic and we just had to get these awsome T's. Oh; and then we saw these totally hot jeans and were trying to decide until- oh frig it. Let's go.


Tony: Alrighty-then.. What should we see? I was actually thinking- Hey, is that Jackson?!


Mel: Who?


Tony: My boss. I think he's struggling with that box; i'll be right back. I've gotta help him.


Mel: but it's your day off. Come on; he'll be fine.


But she was too late. Tony had already darted over to the kiosk where Jackson had just begun to rest the box down, rubbing his shoulder. She turned to Lilly, shrugged her shoulders, and they sat at the nearest table.

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