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Archangel of destiny

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"You have bested alll but one of my creaturs." Shade said as he raised his head torward the sky holding his wings close to his back and started to howl "Meet my beast from hell. MANTCORE RISE FROM YOUR ETERNAL PRISON AND SLAY THIS UNWORTHY RUNT!!!" Shade said as a gaint manticore rose into the sky and began to wildly attack Zak

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Sykes was in his own little testing area, where he would re-kill souls that were to go to hel*. This did nothing to the souls, they were merely sent to be rejudged and just sent to hel* again. "This weapon was very hard to create, but it was worth it..." Sykes said as he sheathed his all powerful new blade, right next to his usual one. "Now where to go, where are the angels that are on earth right now..." Sykes said as he entered his room and looked at a celestial map...


ooc: I didn't post for awhile on purpose, to symbolize the time it took to forge the blade...

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